A baseline of my energetic field is documented in fig. 1. By the colors of red and orange, you can see a grounded field. In fig. 2, I am holding an organic, granny smith apple. Notice how my upper chakras are activated in the solar plexus and heart area with the colors of gold and green. In fig. 3, I am holding a conventional apple. The size of the apple has doubled. What is truly interesting to me is that the higher chakras continue to be activated. In this case, the blue/throat and purple/third eye chakras. In the final image, fig. 4, I am holding candy canes. Notice how the lower chakras are activated, or go back to baseline.
Aura technology helps define the emotional state of a person. My hypothesis is this - the apple, which hangs from a tree, activates the higher chakras and in doing so, raises the body's vibration. If the higher chakras have to do with spiritual enlightenment, then one can draw a correlation between what we eat allowing a closer connection to the Holy Spirit and, ultimately, to God.
Just by holding the food, my energetic signature changed. Now, just imagine eating the food. If the emotional, energetic signature of a body can be changed by bringing that food into your area, it can change the quantum signature of your cells. You are what you eat! Think about that the next time you reach for the candy canes! (I know I will!)
Wishing you peace on the beautiful January day...
Photography by Joy Ayscue of the Conscious Healing Initiative. You can contact her through her website: www.consciousjoy.org