This is what I've figured out and thought I would share. After all the reading, classes, talking, defining myself - this is the recipe I've discovered for a fulfilling, peaceful existence...
1. Acceptance of self (So, this is it, warts and all)
2. Love of self (I love me, warts and all)
3. Approval of self (Hey, my warts look pretty good!)
4. Being true to oneself (What? You want me to hide my warts?! I don't think so.)
5. Step aside (Breathe, forget it, release, forgive, move on)
6. Allow God in (It would be nice if ________ happened. Thy will be done.)
7. Follow the guidance (The Angels will show you and you will know.)
8. Respond with integrity (You will know if you are in integrity by how good you feel.)
We are individuals and each of us has our own measure for each of these steps. What works for me, may or may not work for you. The secret ingredient is this - it's o.k. It's o.k. to be different and it's o.k. for the other person to be different. We are unique. Just observe yourself and others without judgment.
As we help each other remember who we really are, all we can do is present opportunities to learn who we are from each other. What I like, what I don't like, what feels right, what doesn't - it's all a way for us to figure out who we are! That's what it means, "judge not for lest ye be judged". It's not about judging, it's about observing, presenting opportunities to grow and loving ourselves in spite of it all - just as God loves us!
Everything already is as it should be! Here's my little ego realization - I've been trying to define myself and I'm already defined. Nothing and everything has changed. I'm still a designer - whether it's as a mom and wife or for logos and marketing campaigns, reiki or health counseling - my profession is to support others in defining themselves and empowering them to bring forth a true, beautiful representation of themselves to the world. In doing so, I do it for myself as well.
Yeah, I know, you were looking for a food article. Something you can eat - well, print this out and eat it. It might be the best thing I've figured out yet. Ha! In the meantime, give yourself a head start and EAT REAL FOOD, drink water, exercise, laugh, and sleep. This is a major component of LOVING yourself.