Anyway, the glue thing... flour and water make glue. Our blood is more than 83% water, our brain is over 75% water and what's one of the biggest toxins out there? White flour! White flour has been stripped of all of it's vital nutrients, bleached and then has added vitamins (chemicals) added to it to 'enrich' it because there's nothing but gluten left! Eat enough of it, coupled with water and the massive amounts of chemicalized, processed 'salt' and you're left with a body of playdough.
This point was illustrated in my class today as I handed out pieces of homemade playdough. The recipe is flour, water, salt and cream of tartar. We are the water the food we eat is flour, salt and cream of tartar. The recipe clearly states "not for ingestion". Sure, not in that form, but all the ingredients end up in our body anyway and congeal. This coagulation contributes to blocked energy. Blocked energy manifests as pain, depression, brain fog. Now, I'm sure there are scientific facts out there to prove or disprove my theory, but I don't have them now. What I do have is common sense and so do you. I don't need a scientist or a commercial to tell me what I already know and see on a daily basis. Neither do you. White flour is not real food. Table salt is chemically altered. My body is mostly water. You do the math.
How do we avoid this mess?
Master cooking at home
Using whole grain flours like spelt, quinoa, coconut, and rice
Drink water
Choose high quality, unprocessed sea salt like Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt.
(You can read more about healthy salt from my 2009 post: All Salt is Not the Same.)
My intention is to permanently change your relationship with your body and food. I hope I've given you something to think about today. And in the meantime, here's our playdough recipe - that's about the only thing worth making with the enriched, bleached flour!
Playdough recipe
2 cups flour
2 cups water
1 cup salt
4 tsp. cream of tartar
2 tbsp. cooking oil
food coloring
Mix dry ingredients in large saucepan. Add oil, water and food coloring. Cook on medium heat until mixture pulls away from the pan (stir continuously). Knead slightly on waxed paper. Keep in airtight container.