The Old Testament uses one word to embody this - Shalom. It is translated as peace, prosperity or welfare. The idea points to the abundant life of joy, fullness, health, blessing and friendship with God. It means to be physically well, emotionally sound, and spiritually whole. When God is central to life, life hangs together. Alienation and antagonism are ended with harmony in an aggressive world and serenity in an anxious mind. Without it there is no peace."
This quote reminds me of integrity. A big word over the past 2 weeks. A friend recently enlightened me with this, "You are either above or below the integrity line and your feelings are indicators of where you are". You must remain true and honor your integrity - what is right for you. It is that simple. If you don't honor your integrity, you don't honor God, for you are a piece of God. To have inner peace, one must be at peace with who, what and where you are. There is strength in surrender. Surrender to God and what already IS. The ego can distract you with the past or the future, when all that matters is NOW. Everything you can think of or do already is. Truly, if you can see it, feel it, taste it - it is. Just stop trying and let it come.
"I want..." is the ego. "Wouldn't it be nice if..." is the Spirit. I often say this to God, "God, I'd love for (fill in the blank) to happen and if it's in my best and highest good, please deliver it or show me the way." He always does - just remain open to who and what he delivers. It is always in the best and highest good. What's best and highest for you is also for me. We can't have one without the other.
This is one more example of who important it is to take care of yourself first, before anyone else, including the kids. If you are in a state of peace, everyone else will be as well. If you're not, well, you know the rest...
Take today to plan something just for you - not you and your spouse - JUST YOU! Plan 1 hour for you in the coming week to honor yourself in a real and tangible way. Read a book, take a bath, take a walk - just honor yourself for 1 hour. As you honor yourself, you honor God. Take care of yourself - you are fare too important not to!
* click on quote to see source