The ego is always looking for more - looking for love in all the wrong places. The poor thing is just trying it's best, it really is. However, this search for more is endless because God's Abundance is endless. There is ALWAYS more. As is illustrated with the trains. And the funny thing is, what we have seems to never be enough! The duality is maddening. So here's the thing, I can (we can) make ourselves crazy for the quest for more of what we already have or be grateful for the abundance of what we already have.
This cold snap has sent my ego into a confused state and, in my case, it reaches out - trying to do more when what my body really needs is to STOP. We are in a symbiotic relationship with the human, we must abide by human, physical needs. When the body is uncomfortable, the whole being becomes distracted by physicality. The ego thinks 'it has it all under control' - and when it figures out it doesn't, it tries even harder! The best medicine - let it go and don't try. Just be.
Have you ever heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? It's a theory in psychology published in 1943 by Abraham Maslow. Basically, if the basic needs of the human are not met, it cannot evolve to higher consciousness. So if we start at the bottom and work our way up this is what it looks like: physiological, safety, love, esteem, self-actualization. It very closely resembles the chakra system of: root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown. In both examples, if the bottom needs are not properly addressed, the top levels of consciousness are unattainable or dysfunctional.
If you are familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine, it states that the cold weather is yin (cold) and the body must balance it with yang (heat). The body will balance itself by craving heavier, warmer foods, by staying in and bundling up, by sleeping. Do you see why you don't feel like going out? It's completely natural. However, if you listen to your physical needs and allow them to 'be', the natural cycles of the earth and it's weather won't affect you. This is something I've personally been learning this fall and winter.
This is what it comes down to for me - instead of going full steam ahead and pushing myself and getting sick, I promise to honor my body no matter what my ego may be telling me. It's still important to exercise and eat right and get outside, but all of this in moderation. Balance, neutrality or a complacent existence of duality is what we all strive for. The soul feels loving, kind, exciting and beautiful. The ego can feel diminishing, lack and judgemental. By allowing yourself to be in the place of NOW, the the ego quiets down and knows that it is enough.
It means loving yourself right now for who you are - even if you have your pj's on at 3pm on a Wednesday with 5 different train sets out around the house!