As we evolve, our consciousness expands and we are led down the path to realizing our truth by remembering who we really are. We are luminous beings encapsulated in human bodies. Our bodies require care and attention. That is part of the challenge - learning to love ourselves enough to give our bodies what they need so our spirit can flow freely from them.
Everything is energy. Everything we allow in or on our bodies affects our existence. We each have a unique energy signature and our food is no different. We can choose to put food that is in harmony with our energy into our bodies and allow our spirit to soar, or we can choose to keep ourselves in a prison of a body and mind that hurts. By allowing your body the right energy, you can free your spirit and follow your soul's path.
There is nothing wrong with you or anyone else. Sound surprised? It's true. How many people begin the New Year by making resolutions? Make sure they're not restrictions through deprivation. That will just backfire - we’ve all been there. We take a vow to lose weight, exercise more or spend more time with our family. We start the year with great intentions, but then we quickly relapse into old habits. Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions? The faulty thinking is that there is something wrong with us when we are perfect already. What if you could approach each day as a new day and make a contract with yourself to live your best life - for you and no one but you?!
Here are some ways you can make your intentions a reality this year:
1. Write down your intentions and keep them in a visible place, like taped to you bedroom mirror, the dashboard of your car or the wall in your office.
2. Get to the source of whatever is holding you back. Consider your relationships - are they stressing you out? What is causing you to eat a pint of ice cream every night? Ar you stressed at your job and feel too tired to exercise after work? It's so much easier to tackle the root of the behavior and address it immediately in order to accomplish your goals.
3. Be clear about what your life would look like once you achieve your goal. If you resolve to go to the gym more, how will this benefit you? Get connected to the result of your action and you will be more likely to stick with your plan.
4. Take the pressure off yourself. You don't need to join a gym to realize your goals. Just go outside and walk. Start jumping rope in your living room. Just start moving!
5. Share your resolutions with others. Hold each other accountable for achieving your goals. The buddy system works wonders for keeping you on track.
6. Reward yourself. If your intention is to lose weight and you lose 1 pound a week - get a massage, indulge in a bath, buy a new book - but whatever you do, don't reward yourself with a scone. That's something I used to do all the time! I saw food as a reward - rethink it and recognize it as fuel and not as a treat.
Big changes do not require big leaps, but small consistent changes over time. Permanent change always happens gradually than through a big restrictive plan. Allow yourself to reach your goals, one step at a time.
True life is lived when tiny changes occur. - Leo Tolstoy