It was support your school and buy a lollipop day. My older two bought each a pop and one for the 3 yr old. It all seemed innocent enough - that was until the oldest got in quite a bit of trouble with a teacher after school. The teacher wrote me and included the words "disrespectful and had to be removed from the class twice." That's something every mom wants to hear - right? Yes, I'm kidding. This from a kid that won't kill bugs because he doesn't want to hurt them. It was totally out of character.
Anyway, he was in a funk the rest of the night. The younger two were slap stick silly out of control. There was no reasoning with any of them. I was yelling my head off, making threats, my husband was flabbergasted. It was literally as if they had all been possessed! They were.
It has only occurred to me now what happened. They don't eat lollipops like that on a regular basis - if was full of chemicals, colors, artificial junk. The male species does not metabolize toxins the same way as the female and it usually comes out in their behavior. It certainly did with mine. Now, you could say I'm blaming or making too much out of a lollipop. That was what my ego was telling me in allowing them to have it. I really thought it was no big deal until I saw them all hung over this morning.
This experience has proven to me, once more the importance of vigilance and how food (or the product masquerading as food) affects the body and the quality of life. Quality tanked last night.
We are back on track today. It's a new day!
Refined sugar lowers the immune system for at least 5 hours after being ingested. It means that the body is only operating at 50% capacity if a foreign invader decides to invade. With a lowered white cell count, the body's ability to fight infection is impaired. Add to that the chemicals included in processing this sweet treat and you have a deadly combination. "Chlorine bleach is used in processing and when combined with organic compounds (us) it converts to Dioxin - a lethal chemical." (click on sentence to see resource)
Thursday night (Jan. 20) I'm teaching a class in healthy eating and we are focusing on sugar. The intention is to teach others the tools to discern for themselves what helps or hinders their body. By giving others this information, you can choose to use judgment or discernment in choosing your experience.