Low vibrational energy can manifest profoundly in any one of these 4 bodies. We get 'sick' in the physical or feel pain, depression and confusion in the mental, strong emotions in the emotional like crying, yelling, laughing and in the spiritual - that feeling of emptiness, not being whole - that's the best I can describe it from my own experience.
High vibrational energy, manifests in these 4 bodies as well. Excellent health, feeling 'good', happiness, joy, laughter, feeling the presence of God. You get the idea.
When there is an imbalance in any one of our bodies, it can be caused by allowing low vibrational energy into our vibrational existence or the sign of a deficiency. An imbalance in any one of our bodies can manifest in any of the others. The physical is just the most obvious. When I say we 'allow' this low energy into our existence, we actually may not be conscious of it because limiting subconscious programming may be the culprit. Programming many of us are not aware of because it's been with us for so many lifetimes or was ingrained in us by our experience in this lifetime. And a deficiency is nutritional - no matter what level. Sleep, laughter, peace and quiet - these are important nutritional components to our existence just as vitamins and minerals are.
I'm reminded of the subtle communication the body sends. It is always communicating a desire or need from some part of the 4 body complement. Are you achy, tired? It's telling you something. Are you grumpy, moody? Are you in angry, happy? Crampy, gassy? Pay attention to the signs, the language of your body and what it is trying to tell you. Then, just listen. Be still and listen - it will tell you what to do in order to maintain balance. You don't have to push through it, all you have to do is listen! That small, quiet voice within - the voice of intuition, Spirit - GOD, this voice loves you and guides you.