Follow me on this line of thought...
How many times have we eaten something we wish we hadn't? I can tell you from my own experience, plenty of times! How often, though was it unconscious. Just putting food in my mouth without paying attention to why or what was going in... well, first this is the body crying for nutrients and our ego being blindly led by inappropriate desires to fulfill how it WANTS to feel. We project our desires for peace, calm, love, confidence, relaxation into that scone. We actually think we will find comfort in food - so off we go. The ego wants to feel good and the best way the ego can think to do that is to stuff something in our mouth. Afterward, we sit back and wonder, "Why did I do that?". The truth is, when we feel bad, we eat bad. When we feel good, we eat good. How we eat is a direct projection of how we TRULY feel. And, how we feel is a direct projection of how we eat.
Not only are we what we eat, but we are also what we do not eat. So, if we are craving a certain food, what is it that we think that food will bring us? How can we bring those feelings into our experience without the bakery or fast food? Think about it... it's eating ALL the right foods, not just the food we put in our mouth.
Not only does the food we eat define us, but so does the TV we watch, the books we read, the things we do or don't do. This is said ALL without judgment. I want you to think about this the next time you reach for the Diet Coke or the scone. What were you just exposed to? What did you just do before that desire came about? Do you see a correlation? It's subtle, but it's there. And, yes, that heated discussion with your husband did have something to do with it. Being alone with the kids for 3 days DID have something to do with it. This does not excuse it, but it shows a correlation.
It's ALL FOOD. We feed ourselves beyond edible food everyday, every moment. God gave us everything. He made us perfect. We just need to remember we are worthy of ALL His goodness.
Choose your experience by defining how you want to feel and then allow those things into your life. The shift will take place. Know that you are worthy and loved.