Someone taking your parking spot at the mall
Getting beaten and nailed to a cross for talking about love and God
Your kid getting hurt at school by a friend
I hope you see the similarities... it doesn't matter who you are or what you're doing... whether you are the president of the United States or a mom from North Carolina - if you are able to look on those around you from a true place of love and light, your vibration of 'being' is high or is rising higher and is closer to love. You are operating from your soul and the ego has been put aside.
That's the idea. That's why Jesus was here - to teach us to love ourselves and to love one another. Our souls are here to learn. We are all from Heaven and we will return when our work is done here. Here and there are an illusionl, it's all the same. Physical and nonphysical - it's all at the same time.
If you can recognize that this existence is an illusion then you can really choose to look on what is happening around you from a place of light. That is why I'm here at 3 am writing this. They have just come to me in a dream and allowed me to remember the dream and this is what They wanted me to do. I am willing to be a clear channel to deliver God's message of love - I said it before I went to bed and they rewarded me with waking me up to write this. And it is a reward and an honor. I say that because of how GOOD I feel. It's beyond words. It's beyond feeling. It's a pure place of knowing there is SO MUCH MORE to our existence than what we see or perceive at this physical level of human existence. Who's They? God, my Angels, my Guides...
Thank you for the opportunity to see You, hear You, smell You and feel You in whatever way you communicate to me. Thank you for allowing me to rise in my love vibration. Thank you for allowing all of this with grace and ease, without drama, trauma or illness and for the best and highest good.
I have total faith and trust that You are abundant in love and goodness. And that the only thing that stands in my way are my own limiting ego programs. I am willing to let those go and allow for the possibility that there is MORE and it is BETTER than this human brain could ever imagine. Lack is an illusion, bad is an illusion - it is all good in the eyes of the Creator.
Just to state my disclaimer though - I am without the need to be nailed to the cross. . . They know, I'm told. Thank you, I love you, thank you.
The only one who requires forgiveness is me of myself. God made us so perfect that we couldn't see ourselves. We had to look at each other see who we are. If we like what we see in another, that person is reflecting the light qualities of us. If we don't like what we see, well, you get the picture. Are you ready to work on what you don't like you see? Are you ready to embrace the totality of who you are and love yourself anyway? To get over yourself, out of your own way and stand up and talk about this when We present you the opportunity? I say yes, for I experienced today and everyday that all things are possible through the Lord.
As always - with grace and ease, without drama, trauma, illness or harm to anyone or anything concerned and for the best and highest good...