Everyday, what the kids want to be for Halloween changes. My mother, Mum, flies here to make their costumes. Yes, you heard that right. Apparently, it's her 'thing'. So, needless to say, the kids really can be whatever they want. Imagine, getting to be anything you want with no limits!? That's how we should all look at life.
The kids design their costumes and it can change up to the day we actually buy the fabric and she sits down to sew. Pretty amazing. This is a blessing we thank God for.
The next thing I hear from people is: "How do you handle all the candy with the kids?" That has been a slightly sticky issue and I've found only one answer that makes most of us happy. They eat ALL THEY WANT when they get home! There are a few caveats, though - no gummy anything as this causes diarrhea in our house. So that goes in the favorite Uncle pile for my brother-in-law or gets recycled back into what we give out at our house. The second is - they can trade out 2 pieces of what they received for a special treat I have for them. I'll go out and buy organic, dried fruit leathers and trade them for the candy.
It's the best solution I've come up with so far. They usually end up eating about 3 pieces because the feel so sick. The rest goes into a zip lock bag for a once a week treat after school on Fridays. Dad usually helps them eat some of it - go figure.
Our dentist told us, "It's not how much candy a kid eats, it's how often they eat it that affects their health." He told us of a study where having regular sugar intake increases the risk of cavities and it's better to let them have it all at one time than to make a regular habit of eating these 'treats'. So far, so good.
The dentist's statement segways perfectly into what I've been sharing. Do a little GOOD for your body everyday and it adds up to a positive outcome. Do a little BAD for your body each day and it can accumulate to a negative outcome.
Have a wonderful holiday! Love yourself for where you are right now, because you are a Divine Creation!