The body requires a neutral pH, just as the water and the ground around us. If it's too acidic or too alkaline, there is imbalance and disease. The same is true for the human body. Our bodies lean to the acidic side of the spectrum. Largely in part to the way we eat, think, talk and the activities or lack of activity in our lives. Processed, chemicalized, refined, enriched foods are acidic and contribute to acidic conditions. Natural, fresh, real food contribute to alkaline conditions. Stress, electronics, unhealthy relationships, etc... all contribute to acidity. Do you see how the food we eat is just one part of bringing balance to our lives? Describing the balance in terms of pH is just one way to understand harmony.
One of the best and easiest ways to tip the scales in your favor is with the introduction of green foods. This can come in the form of green vegetables, chlorella, chlorophyll, spirulina or blue green algae to name a few.
Remember this, disease, bacteria, viruses, fungus all grow in acidic conditions. Are you sick all the time? How's your attitude? This is just one way for you to examine what's working or not working in your life.
So next time you're in a funk, try a bowl of broccoli and see what happens...
Beat the Blues Broccoli:
1 lb fresh or frozen broccoli
Salt to taste
20 chocolate chips
1 tbsp. of honey
Steam the broccoli until fork tender and dark green. Drizzle the honey on and toss. Salt lightly and prepare on a dish. Add a few chocolate chips to finish it off!