What struck me is how dishes are a direct reflection of our spiritual evolution. How we 'think' we move forward, by checking things off the list. When the real work is in the NOW of the moment. We think there is always more to do, but in reality there is only now. Our ego thinks we 'have to do this or that' in order to evolve or move forward in life. When all we have to do is just be. What a concept!
I've been reminded recently that Divine Guidance is simple, easy, quick and happens almost without thought. It's remarkable, really. When we get ourselves tied up in knots, over think, analyze, stress ourselves out - that's the ego run amok. All we have to do is show up, God will do the rest.
Affirmations and manifesting are tools our ego uses to change our vibration. I've found affirmations to be helpful in changing my direction of thought, to clear the clutter. The manifesting gets a little tricky. The reason is, I've discovered is that it is ego driven. God manifests exactly what He wants us to be, have and do. Divine Guidance, from our angels and guides, manifest for us exactly what is required on our soul's path. All we have to do is ALLOW this to happen and move out of the way. We just have to listen! My ego knows what it wants, but my soul knows what I've contracted to do in this lifetime and knows what is needed. The angels and guides will do what we ask if its in our best and highest good. And, of course, so will God.
The truth, I've come to discover, is that all I need is God. All I need is faith to carry me through. Faith is that knowing that I know exactly what I need to know right now. Knowing I have exactly what I need to have right now. Knowing I am pure love encased in a human body, with a human ego... that I am perfect in my imperfection. Perfection is an illusion.
The body is the 'vehicle', the soul is the 'driver' and the mind is the 'translator'. The mind can get trippy though - so watch out! The ego seems to reside in there. When these statements or words come up, you can be sure that the ego is trying to drive:
I think - I want - I should - Why - How
When I hear Divine guidance - it doesn't tell me what to do, I just seem to do it or understand it. Yes, I do hear it, see it, smell it or feel it. We all do. We just have to tune into it. When I hear Divine guidance, the words are simple, its easy, makes me feel good & happy - it is peaceful, gentle, nudging. It doesn't overwhelm - it's taken one step at a time. When I resist, it persists. Usually when resisting, it's because I want to know (ego), I want to understand why (ego). When I don't have to understand, I just have to do.
In Eastern Religious practices, being in the mind is a terrible place to be... Being present in the moment, being who I am, listening over speaking, slowing down... these are all ways we can live more fully in Spirit and less in ego. Oddly enough, doing dishes keeps me in the present and allows me the silence to hear God...