Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Be Real: Powerful Positive Thought

Think in the positive, speak in the positive, take postive action. Make it a habit and eventually you will see a difference. True healing begins at the soul level and only YOU can heal yourself. Acknoweldge your limiting beliefs and change them if you want to.

I have been reminded, again, that you can't help anyone else until you've helped yourself first. And to take it a step further, you really can't help anyone else - only that individual can help themselves. Your only obligation is to help yourself. By helping yourself you are healing yourself and our singular soul. Sound cruel? Not really, this is from love, not fear...

When you are happy, everyone around you is happy and you raise the level of social consciousness through your higher vibrational energy. When you are in disarray, out of harmony, those around you will respond and the level of social consciousness will react in kind.

Your ego leads you to believe that you can actually change someone else's circumstances. Only the individual can change their circumstances. All you can do is share with them what tools you've already discovered.

You can can do a lot to help someone else though. You can empower them with what they need at their individual level of consciousness. Sometimes that's a sandwich for a homeless person, or answering a phone call to a person who needs guidance. But don't create an environment of enabling. Recognize when that individual is not taking your help constructively, but using it to continue in their cycle of confusion. Then it's time to release them to the Holy Spirit with love, not anger (fear). For you have given them all you have to share and they are not using it. It is ultimately their choice to use the tools you have given and your choice to perpetuate their perception that they need you. My friend told me this line: "I forgive you and release you to the Holy Spirit". Say it for those people in your life, say it for yourself!

If you do one thing this week, buy a notebook and start journaling. You don't need another person to help you through your transformation, you just need a dialogue with yourself. Love and trust yourself to know that you have the solutions to the problems you perceive.

Write everything down, it doesn't matter what it is, just get it out of you. Eventually, you will come to see a pattern. Are your thoughts self-defeating, or empowering? YOU can change the negative to positive and recode your DNA. Write down your goals, what you want in life. Change the negative self talk to positive, change the "I wish I had, or I used to have" into "I am, I have". You will see a difference in your life if you say the positive enough times, if you write it enough times. A good book to read is "A Return to Love" by Marianne Williamson.

We each have all the answers we seek to the questions we have inside us already, we just have to listen to that 'voice' - our spirit - and JUST BE IT! Be the change you want to see. Tomorrow is another day...