Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eat Real: The Power of Lemon

Lemons are one of natures most beneficial foods. We use fresh lemon juice daily. The kids love homemade lemonade. I discovered lemons when I started cleansing my diet. They are great for the body because they help flush toxins out of our systems.

As you start to eat real and leave the processed foods behind, you'll notice that your body will respond positively. If you revert to eating synthetic food again, your body will definitely tell you! Drinking lemon and water daily can help you make this transition a little easier and quicker. Count on many trips to the bathroom!

Although they are acidic to our bodies externally, lemons are actually alkaline internally. Lemons can stimulate and aid elimination in the digestive system and help purify the liver by eliminating toxins and help digest your food by helping your gallbladder produce more bile. It can also decreases the amount of phlegm produced by your body.

These are just a few of the benefits to using lemons:
- diuretic, it flushes out toxins and bacteria
- high in Vitamin C
- helps in digestion

I can always tell, when I don't have enough water and lemon juice in my diet - I start to break out. It's my body's way of sending me a message - "Hey, don't neglect me!".

Try starting out your day with a cup of warm water and the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. You'll be increasing your vitamin C intake and stimulating your digestive track at the same time. We add a few drops of natural stevia to sweeten the drink. Whatever you do, do not use artificial sweeteners or white sugar! Stick with stevia, honey, molasses or maple syrup.