Thursday, July 9, 2009

Eat Real: Quick & Wheat-free

I've had a couple of friends who've asked for some gluten-free food ideas... you are not bound to prepackaged items that say gluten-free on them. There are lots of foods that are naturally gluten-free and exceptionally good for you.

Some of the grains we use on a regular basis are: wild rice, brown rice and quinoa. Any of these can be made ahead of time and refrigerated for the week. One serving of wild rice is considered to be 1 cup, brown rice is 1/2 cup and quinoa is 1/2 cup. Each serving is roughly 160-180 calories. They are all high in natural minerals and fiber. Quinoa is considered to have a complete amino acid profile which means it a great source of protein! Wild rice is one of my favorite foods - light and fluffy. Brown rice is great with anything. Actually, all these grains are! You do not have to be afraid of complex carbohydrates. Not all carbs are bad for you!

You may find that as you eat real food, including real complex carbohydrates that you will feel more satisfied and less hungry or deprived. And, unless you overdo it, you shouldn't be afraid of weight gain. Remember to avoid 'white' products as they have been processed to a point where much of their nutrients have been stripped away. This includes white rice.

Here are a couple of recipes that you can make ahead of time and eat cold or warm. You can add tofu or chicken to them or any vegetable for that matter! Don't be afraid to experiment!

Quinoa Tabouli:
1 cup of organic quinoa

1 tomato

1 cucumber

3 Tbsp. olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
Rinse and drain the quinoa, cook 1 cup of dry grain to 2 cups water. Let cool, add olive oil and fluff. Dice tomatoes and cucumber, add to the cooked quinoa. Salt and pepper to taste.

Rice with Raisins and Walnuts:

1 cup wild rice



salt to taste

Rinse and drain the wild rice, cook 1 cup of dry grain to 4 cups water. Let cool, drain excess water. Add as many raisins and walnuts as you like. Salt to taste.