This group is beautiful and I have been blessed to be a part of them. They, we want to share our abilities with the rest of our species for nothing other than to help all of us heal. When each of us are operating at our peak of consciousness, then we as a species can move onto the next plane of existence. Compared to them, I'm a newbie. That's fine though. I've been assured that what they can do is not coined 'a gift', but 'a skill'. Anyone can learn these skills. Many of these practitioners of energy actually offer classes to teach their skills.
With that said, let me talk about Theta Healing. I'm still trying to understand it myself! There is an exercise in which you visualize going to the Seventh Plane of Existence. There are seven planes total. The Seventh is the God level where you speak directly. for yourself or another, to co-create with God. There is a specific guided meditation that allows you to leave your body. Yes, you read that correctly. And a command to use when co-creating with God. This command resets limiting beliefs so that they are no longer limiting. There is no good or bad - that is an illusion. There is no such thing as evil - only light or not light. But there is so much more than that. You can send unconditional love to people, to yourself. You can remove 'wayward' entities from your energy field. You can discover and speak to your guardian angels. DNA can be reset, aging can stop. The list goes on! It's real, it's all real!
Theta healing can empower you to heal yourself because all disease really starts at the metaphysical level. "I'm not good enough, feelings of guilt, fear of trying something new" all these things and more can be put to bed forever! You can get out of your own way and move forward on your Soul's Path without interference from your ego. The ego wants enlightenment and this is one way to it.
When you are a Theta Healer, you are actually considered a modern day Mystic. This is someone who operates in two different realities. This person chops wood, hauls water, does the every day stuff to survive, but then also connects to the Seventh Plane and is an instrument of healing. We live a dual life. I've felt this for sometime, but didn't know what to call it. It's nice to have a name!
This is not to be entered into lightly. It is a huge responsibility to co-create with God. Leaving one's body is a learned skill and one must be able to ask for support when reentering is difficult. I know this from experience! Many ask how my family feels about this. All I can say is that I've never been more supported in my entire life than I am right now. Everyone around me, my husband, my kids, my mom, my brother and more are all encouraging and supportive without judgment. It is a blessing. I am so incredibly loved!
And thank you, all of you who read this because I can feel YOUR love and support! Maybe, just maybe, I've created a safe enough space for you to explore these experiences for yourself. The key to lasting happiness is really thinking you already have it. It is beyond believing, it is knowing. Do not say "I want", say "I am or I have". Speak as though you already are living your dream and the dream will manifest. I am living proof!
There are words that must be removed from our vocabulary. They hold us back, limit us. These are the words: don't, can't, try, not, no. Without is ok to use. Treat these words as if they are cuss words. You will notice how you truly think about what you say, how you reformulate your thoughts. This is key. As you can see, I'm still working on removing them!
See you all in two weeks as we will be spending time with family next week. I love you. Be well. Be the change you want to see. Be the love you want to feel. Be the "being" you were meant to be!