Sunday, July 12, 2009

Be Real: Reiki Energy Healing

I am officially certified as a Reiki Practioner! This is so cool. Yesterday, I completed Reiki level II. We practiced sending distant healing. A partner sent us Reiki via a teddy bear while the other person was in another room. This was amazing! I could feel the energy in my body. I knew exactly where my partner was moving her hands. CRAZY COOL!

For those of you who are not familiar with Reiki, it is a healing technique developed by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan.

Reiki practitioners channel energy from God (also refered to as Source) to heal and harmonize the body. Reiki seeks to restore order to the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced. It can bring about deep relaxation, destroy energy blockages, detoxify the system, provide new vitality in the form of healing universal life energy, and increases the vibrational frequency of the body.

The laying of hands is used in Reiki to administer healing on whatever level the recipient allows it. We place our hands above a particular part of the recipient's body (usually the chakras) in order to release energy and the recipient draws the energy as needed. The individual takes responsibility for his or her healing by allowing God to heal them spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally or at whatever level the soul will allow. Reiki is always used for the Greatest Good. No harm can come from it. The practitioner is the channel for the energy and the recipient is actually the healer - by being open to receiving God's healing on all levels.

I am definitely going to complete the Master level. Just time and money, right? (anybody got some? - Ha!) After this, Theta Healing. But that's another article!

Be well, be love, be open to the opportunities God has for you. Release judgement and just be.

Session Rates:
30min - $50.00 or 60min - $85.00
Contact me to schedule a session: