Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eat Real: I Eat Hemp

They say the first step to rehabilitation is admitting the problem... Ha! Hemp is my new FAVORITE food. No, I don't get high at lunch with 3 little boys running around - although somedays I wonder!

In my quest to give up meat, but not use soy, I discovered hemp seed. Hemp is a true superfood. These are just a few of the benefits:

- contains all 20 amino acids including the essential 9
- easily digested
- free of the tryspin inhibitors which block protein absorption
- no oligosaccharides (as in soy), causing stomach upset & gas
- a perfect balance of protein, fiber, and carbohydrates
- a perfect ratio of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
- full of enzymes
- natural anti-oxidants and plant sterols
- vitamins (especially vitamin E)
- minerals including iron, magnesium and phosphorus

The US imports hemp food products from Canada in the form of hemp seeds, hemp butter, hemp milk and hemp protein powders. Sadly, it is not legal to grow it here in the US. Brands that the local health food store carry are Manitoba Harvest, Nutiva and Living Harvest.

Hemp and marjauana are different varieties of the Cannabis sativa plant. Hemp contains less than 1 percent of the active ingredient THC, the substance that gives a high. Marijuana plants, on the other hand, contain 10 to 20 percent THC.

This plant is also great for the enviroment. It requires no pesticides or herbacides and is a sturdy crop that grows fast and tall. After the grain is harvested for food, the remainder of the plant can be used for non-food items like clothes or paper. Hemp is never genetically modified.

Even if you're not looking to give up meat, it's worth a try. Put it on your ice cream, mix it in yogurt, sprinkle it on salads. If you want to try something new that is real food - you'll be surprised at how much you might like it. I am reminded of Dr. Seuss', Sam I Am - "You do not like them. So you say. Try them! Try them! And you may. Try them and you may, I say."