Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Eat Real: Ditch the Plastic Bottled Water
Yup, that's right. The everyday plastic bottled water is not helping your body.
Whether you realize it or not, the majority of these waters are no better than tap water. This means they are full of the chemicals our tap water contains. Then on top of that, the fact that they are bottled in plastic means that the chemical Bisfenol A (BPA) from the plastic is leaked into the water. This chemical affects us on a hormonal level. It is an endocrine disruptor. It acts as estrogen. Too much estrogen in the body is dangerous. Studies have shown that even in low doses, BPA can disrupt the endocrine systems.
"BPA is one of many man-made chemicals classified as endocrine disruptors, which alter the function of the endocrine system by mimicking the role of the body's natural hormones." (quoted from Science Daily)
These are a few of the possible affects of having BPA in our bodies:
-chromosonal defects
-delayed mental development
-reproductive issues
-breast cancer
What do I do for our family? We all have stainless steel water bottles, or drink out of glass. We use the Kleen Kanteen brand, but there are other brands out there.
Think about this - we are repeatedly exposed to and ingest toxins on a regular basis. This exposure breaks down our body's ecosystem (as well as the Earth's). If we can limit the amount of toxins we ingest and spread on the Earth we would all feel better and be healthier. This information is provided not to scare, but educate. Think about what you put in or on your body. Everything and anything can affect it and bring about positive or negative results. Just one small good thing you do for your body can make a difference. Your example can encourage others to do the same. Be the change your body and spirit needs.