Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eat Real: Detox with Apple Cider Vinegar

This is my special drink to get your body moving towards cleansing.

- 1 tsp of raw, organic apple cider vinegar
- the juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon
- filtered water (as much as you want)
- a few drops of liquid stevia to sweeten (optional)

The water can be warm as in a tea, or cold like a lemonade. Drink this 3x a day or more, whatever your body tells you. At one point, I was up to 6 tablespoons a day. Now I have 2 tablespoons in the morning with the lemon in warm water before any food. It stimulates the bowels, sets the stage for proper digestion and neutralizes the body's pH.

Why do I drink this concoction?
Well, for a number of reasons. It helps to remove toxins from the body through elimination, that means you pee and poop more. It moves the body towards an alkaline pH. Most of us, even the healthiest have an acidic pH at different levels. When the body is moved out of a neutral pH of 7.0 towards an acidic pH, below 7.0, that is when we experience dis-ease. Dis-ease can be in the form of pain, colds, viruses, fungus, infections, stress, depression (the list goes on), and in the severe cases of acidity - cancer. The only way dis-ease can flourish in our bodies is when we are acidic.

Our daily food and lifestyle choices create acidic conditions or alkaline conditions. That cup of coffee, bagel, fast food lunch, frozen 'healthy' dinner, stressed out feeling, being overextended - all of it creates acidity. Too much, and our body weakens. There are countless references on the web to this. Check out for more detail on Apple Cider Vinegar.

This is the first in an Eat Real Series about healthy food choices we can make. Remember, all the little things add up!