Thursday, March 24, 2011

The End

As I was driving home from a preschool prayer service, it became clear to me.  The priest said you get back 10 times what you give out. So simple. That's the law of attraction.  If it doesn't feel good or gives you anxiety, chances are you don't belong there - aka:" It's not part of your path".  Choose to think about the next logical step that feels good to you and that is your path.

It's time to let go. To hear the voice of God is to hear your own voice.  To honor God is to trust and follow your feelings.

I'm 16 days into His 40 days in the desert and I think my early mid-life crisis has come to an end. I feel myself taking another leap of faith, unsure of where He is leading me, but knowing it is better than I could imagine. I trust that what comes is only good and I'm excited for it!

I know who I am. I am complete.

So are you.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Be Real: Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time there was a prince who loved a princess. The prince could fix and build all things mechanical, especially vehicles. The princess loved this aspect of him and decided although he may not ride a white horse, he could certainly build one and would keep her safe forever. They lived happily ever after.

Until, the prince called her from work one day and said, "You've got to stop giving me those vitamins. They are making me throw up." To which she replied, "You threw up? How many times and how often does this happen?" He answered, "Just today after lunch."  "So, where did you eat?" she asked. "I had tacos. That doesn't matter, it's the vitamins." he said.  "Really? You've been taking these vitamins for months without a problem, and you decide that today they make you sick. I give you the vitamins because you've been eating like crap and I'm keeping you alive." she answered in an innocently sarcastic tone. "Just stop giving them to me," he stated.  As she tried to control her laughter, she said, "Fine" and they hung up.

All seemed to be well in the kingdom for a while. The prince did not throw up again. The princess stopped giving him anything remotely healthy like vitamins and left it all up to him. She thought, "It's his body, he knows better than anyone else what's good or bad. Who am I to judge."  She made peace with it and gave up the need to control the situation. If any of you know the princess, you also know what a huge accomplishment that was!

Two weeks had passed and the princess was making breakfast for the three little princes before school. She sent the eldest upstairs to wake their father for work. When he returned he spoke, "Father is not attending work this day because he says he feels ill."  The princess ran upstairs to inquire as to how she could assist, "What do you mean you are not going to work? What did you do? What's the matter?"  Then, she saw it.  It was beautiful, shiny and glaringly obvious. Diamonds, rubies, emeralds? No, it was black as life - it was his eye. "WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT?!" she inquired gently as she patted him firmly on the buttocks. (aka - Smacked him you know where.) He replied, "A ratchet drill lodged, backed up and hit my eye. I'm taking the day off. I don't feel good. My throat is scratchy."

So, the prince took the day off to recouperate. He seemed to be improving, especially at lunch time and he suggested going out to dine. Of course we had to celebrate his improved health! He really celebrated. He enjoyed two of the biggest cookies known to man from a French bakery in town. All seemed to go well and the princess expected he would go to work the next day and be fine. The next day came and he was not fine. He was worse. "That's it!" she thought, "I've kept my opinions to myself for far too long. He had to learn the hard way, but now he's metaphysically throwing up and dragging us into it."  As gently as she could, she approached him after the children were off to school. These matters are delicate, especially with a prince of his stature and she wanted to be sure to pay him the respect he was due.

This is what she said, "Have you had enough yet? This is bullsh*t! You call me from work two weeks agoa and tell me the healthy stuff I give you is making you sick while you eat crap. You come home with a black eye and celebrate the next day with cookies and eating out. Today you are worse off that you were before! Have you learned anything yet? Am I the only one who sees what's going on?! You are dragging us down and I won't have any of it. For the love of your kids, make some healthy choices right now!" She later thought that perhaps tact would have been helpful along with a gentle delivery. Ah, but what is done is done. She was in control now and ran with it. He abdicated to her will because of his weakened condition. And, in doing so, he healed himself within 24 hours.

How, do you ask did he heal? She juiced every sort of green vegetable she could find and made him drink it all day. She used kale, zucchini, celery, apples, lemons and ginger. She used the dreaded vitamins on him. All matter of mystical was used as well. He succomed to this thing she calls Reiki.

The story has a happy ending. He went to work the next day and showed off his black eye with great enthusiasm and continues to drink green juice every morning with little complaint. His boss is sending him to Las Vegas for a business trip. He has new life, vigor and renewed passion for all. His attitude has improved dramatically and he feels good. In fact, he suggested they renovate the kitchen.

Miracles do happen. The princess is looking a granite...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Be Real: Stop Searching

I think we are all at a point now that we understand we are what we eat. We are what we watch on TV, read in a book, sport we participate in - all of it.  God made us so perfect we couldn't see ourselves, so the gift of projection was given.  We see ourselves everywhere around us.  It's pretty cool, that is until you see something you don't like. 

I'm continually amazed at the power of food and how it can change a person's perception in life. The most basic, elemental building blocks of life begin with what we put in our mouths. Feel crappy? Look at what you're eating.  It's projecting how you are feeling right back at you. Feel good?  Make a note of it because it is likely in harmony with who you really are. God, or Source Energy, can speak to us in many ways including through others, through our feelings and through our food. 

In my experience, there are three basic requirements for good health - eat, sleep and move.  It's pretty simple, really.  If any one of these is deficient, you'll feel out of alignment or disconnected or just plain ol' bad.  The triangle is the strongest shape in existence. There is power in 3's. An old friend once told me you can have anything you want in this world and it can be good, fast or cheap, but you can only have two of them at a time. It can be good and fast, but it won't be cheap. It can be fast and cheap, but it won't be good. You get the picture. That may hold true for this world, but what about Spirit?  The same premise translates into eat, sleep and move. Yet, there are three items you can have AT THE SAME TIME. You MUST have all three at the same time to experience balance. A deficiency in any one area will leave the triangle weak. If you're feeling crappy, look at one of those areas and determine what you can shore up. The magical part here is that you don't have to look to anyone or circumstances around you to do this.  All you have to do, is look at yourself. ( Hmmm, here's a quick observation - when you can have three things at the same time, does that mean it is in alignment?  I think of the trinity, signs coming in three's and the fact that my friend's statement holds true for this world, not the other.  Just a thought.)

So often we fall into defining ourselves by the projections in our lives. By looking outside of ourselves.  If others respond positively to us and our actions, then we are 'good'.  If not, then, we are 'bad'.  How about the law of attraction?  If we attract what we define as 'good' then we are in alignment. But if we attract what we define as 'bad', then we are out of alignment. What if you were able to look into yourself using the triad mentioned above to determine yourself what is good or bad based on how you FEEL?  What if you could look inside for your own projections and not to the people or circumstances around you?  Check in with your own thoughts; how they feel is an indication of where they originate.

If you feel good, the Universe will deliver more for you to feel good about because your perceptions are clear. If you feel bad, and choose to perpetuate it, the Universe will deliver confirmation that life is bad. Here's the kicker, you ARE the Universe. Your perception is the Universe. Use the eat, sleep, move triad as a tool to shift your interpretation of life, to understand it or to just feel better . 

Here's a story called "Little Fish" by Anthony de Mello:
    "Excuse me," said an ocean fish. "You are older than I, so can you tell me where to find this thing they call the ocean?"
    "The ocean," said the older fish, "is the thing you are in now."
    "Oh, this? But this is water. What I'm seeking is the ocean," said the disappointed fish as he swam away to search elsewhere.

The message is this, "Stop searching, little fish. There isn't anything to look for.  All you have to do is look."