Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eat Real: Omega 3, 6, 9 - EFA

EFA stands for Essential Fatty Acids. Why are they so important? Well, cells have a lipid layer around them. This lipid layer allows the communication between cells. The communication is enhanced by the use of EFAs because the lipid layer is softened. The communication between 'signaling agents' is allowed an improved response. If the lipid layer is hard, the communication between cells is dampened.

The reason they are called Essential is because the body does not make them, so the body must ingest them in order to receive them. The two main ones are Omega 3 & Omega 6. We hear about Omega 9 as well. This is produced by the body when there is enough Omega 3 & 6 present. However, it may be ingested through food as well.

Benefits of EFAs:
-improved mental function
-reduced inflammation
-brain development

-immune system response
-blood pressure regulation

Omega 3 is also termed ALA - Alpha linolenic acid. We hear about this one in relation to eating fish, especially salmon to get enough of this EFA. But it's also found naturally in grains, spirulina, hemp seed, walnuts and flax seed to name a few sources.

Omega 6 is also termed Linolenic acid. Omega 3 & Omega 6 should be eaten in the proper ratio of 2:1. Meaning twice as much Omega 6 as Omega 3. What's happened though, in our fast food world is that people get almost 15 times as much Omega 6 as Omega 3. And because of these extreme ratios, the health benefits are usually negated. Good sources are found in chia seeds, grains, olive oil and pumpkin seeds, among others. Many of the same sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the same and come in the ratios nature intended, like hemp seed. Isn't that convenient?

Omega 9 is called monounsaturated oleic acid and steric acid. If the diet is poor in Omega 3 & Omega 6, then the body won't make enough Omega 9. It can be ingested through food sources of avocados, pecans, and olive oil. Of course the list goes on. It has been associated with improving hardening of the arteries and improving immune function.

Now, let's discuss EPA and DHA. This is what the body turns Omega 3 into so it can be used. EPA is Eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA is docosahexaenoic acid. Many times, if our bodies are burdened by our diet, fish oil may be recommended as a way to get these nutrients directly. The body doesn't have to break them down and can use them immediately. If you choose to use a fish oil supplement, make sure that it is third party certified to be at least 99% free of contaminents. Blue-green algae is also a good source of EPA and DHA.

It's been scientifically proven over and over again how EFAs improve brain function and related mental issues. There are studies that show suicide rates, Alzheimer's disease and attention deficit disorders are associated with a lack of DHA. That's something to think about the next time your brain is feeling unclear or foggy.

Be Real: Keep Moving Forward

I don't know about you, but this month and the past two weeks have been a huge transformation period for me. Man, it'ss been an incredible ride for me to experience, but also incredible to witness in the lives of those around me. Some of the experiences have manifested in the physical - the a/c needs repair, my hip was hurting, a kid caught a cold. And some have been metaphysical - feelings of heaviness, worry, fight or flight responses. What matters though is that I gave myself some time to integrate it all and find the light - the higher vibration response was, in this case, no response.

The funny thing about this transformation, it has allowed me to redefine myself and what I want to experience. Not only that, but it has allowed me to define new & better parameters for the experiences I choose to take part in. What seems like an injustice is an opportunity to learn and choose the light in the situation. What seems heavy or negative in feeling is an opportunity to learn what it is I want or don't want. And, since I've made the conscious, subconscious and soul choice to follow the good feeling - I've been learning alot about the 'choosing' in my life. I've noticed I needed more sleep, more quiet time, introspective work. I've had to go within to integrate and understand. The transformation was honored by listening to my body and feelings to know what to do - more hot baths, less email, more sleep, more complex carbs.

In order to keep moving forward, I've been cleansing my relationships this week. Now, this does not mean saying good-bye to people. It means saying good-bye to patterns of behavior in myself that are holding me back. By changing my patterns of behavior, some people may quietly move on, but if I've set my intentions correctly, these people will adapt, rise in vibration and join me in moving forward. They are catching up and I'm catching up to others. It's pretty amazing to be a part of!

I've released need, cleansing obligation and settling debt (some money, some emotional). In the process, it's allowing those I'm involved with the opportunity to transform their patterns of behavior and to choose the light and rise to a higher vibration. It's incredible!!!

To all the beautiful souls I've met with and talked with this week - Thank you! Thank you for showing me the light and the dark and loving yourself and me enough to witness without attachment.

Hold on, it's a great ride. Transformations keep us moving forward. How else would we learn?! Bless you and I look forward to October! Oh yes, more food articles to come!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Be Real: Choosing the Light

Need is a funny thing... we think we need others, when all we really need is ourselves. Need, quite frankly, used to scare me. Someones need of me, my need of another. We choose to put ourselves in the presence of others and request their participation in our experience of remembering. We can project ourselves into others and they can be the mirror for us. Boy, did I create a big mirror. I understand what I did. I have greater clarity of who I am and I choose to move up the higher vibrational scale!

We project ourselves onto and into others lives and look for confirmation of what we consider beliefs about who we are. In this way, we are looking for approval (love, really) and trying to figure out who we are. Everything we could ever want is already inside us!!! It's truly a miracle. By choosing what roles others define us by, sometimes we get a clearer picture of who we think we are. But, here's the secret - we can be whatever and whomever we want to be! If what another thinks you are does not feel good, let it go. You don't have to be it or do it. Don't give it a second thought. You don't have to play the game if you don't want to. You can take your ball and go home or just let them play with the ball and take yourself home! Do what your intentions are. Be who you intend to be. Have the experience you want to have.

In my journey to greater self awareness, clarity and direct connection to God I was led down a path. The people in my path have helped me remember who I am and have supported and encouraged me along the way. I am blessed to have known so many. However, it's time to release the need for them. Release the obligation. I understand, clearly, the signs of when it's time to release them and myself of the obligation. This is what I discovered...

As soon as I felt need of others, I projected that need and the need manifested. But, what I've realized is that it doesn't always feel good. Especially for the other person. For lack of a better term, it can be a real downer! In the other person or people playing this role, there is an exchange of energy, As soon as I projected myself and my needs, the Universe (God) answered. He answered immediately. And guess what, it was up to me to choose the path or not.

Remember the bad feeling vs. the good feeling. Well, this is where my choice is made today from the experience I manifested. The higher thought is the higher vibration and is free from distraction - nothing needs to be done. No action needs to take place. Just let it go. Choose not to participate. Inaction is action. The lower vibration, the heavy feeling, is the ego not understanding what is being communicated by the soul.

I've asked myself - has this experience served me? Yes, it has. Does it serve me now? No it doesn't. Do I do anything? No - just let it go. Doing requires energy. It's distraction, having to say 'something', do something. I'm in a path of forward motion, this is the energy of God. I just have to get out of the way and LET IT FLOW. I recognize the heavy feeling as a sign it's time to let it go. Nothing needs to be said or done. No one is right or wrong. The lesson has been learned. It's time to bless the lesson and those involved and send it to the light. This has been an exercise in recognizing what I don't want which has helped me identify what I do want. And an opportunity to choose light over darkness by setting clear boundaries in my experience.

There were two beautiful souls that helped me remember how to choose the higher thought today - the higher vibration. I did it! Today, the three of us got extra stamps in Heaven for moving towards the light. Everything is a choice we've made and we've manifested. It's remarkable when you are conscious of the manifestation and recognize it. However, it's given me tools in how to get back on the horse, so to speak, and let God take me where I'm suppose to go. And that's the good feeling! Suffering need not be part of the equation - unless, of course, you choose that.

Recognize the dark and bless it.
Seek the light - choose the higher thought.
Determine what role I want to play.

Release myself, and in doing so, others, from obligation.

Do not feed the need.
Detach from the expectation.
There are no victims.

So, I'm getting clarity about what sin really is now... it's forgetting who we are. And original sin, that's not knowing who we are. Ha!

Today, I say: I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, thank you and I forgive you and release you to the Holy Spirit. I choose not to participate in anothers perception of who I should be and choose for myself who I am. I choose an experience without projecting need and perpetuating need. I'm a "remember-er". I've gotten out of my own way to let God shine through. Boy, does it feel good! I wish the same for you! Energy in motion baby!!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Eat Real: Acai and Gogi Berry Juice

In theory, if we eat a healthy enough diet, remove enough toxins from our environment, reduce our stress - we really shouldn't need supplements. However, we live in a culture where even if we did all of these things to the best of our human ability - there may still be something missing. This is when our family has found supplements to support us.

Our family uses supplements derived from whole food items. Some of our favorites are acai berry, gogi berry, camu camu, maca, chlorophyll, probiotics and EFAs. Today, I'm writing about acai and gogi. I'll go into the others in future articles.

Our goal is to get most if not all of our nutrients from whole foods. During the season change from warm to cool, though, our bodies need a little help making the transition. The extreme Yin of the summer (expansion) is now changing to the Yang (contraction) of the fall and winter. Have you noticed an inclination to slow things down a little? Maybe nap or stay in? That is your body communicating to you. It is preparing for the cooler weather that is approaching.

It's at this point, our family has identified when to introduce supplements and which ones to introduce. This is where the acai and gogi berry come in. These are superfruits with a complete array of healing and invigorating properties for the body. The brand we use is Genesis Today. This has been the most potent brand and easily absorbable for us to use.

The Gogi berry has been known as the "happy berry". The juice we drink is undiluted and uses the whole fruit. They are high in vitamin C, are excellent antioxidents and contain 18 of the 22 amino acids and EFAs (essential fatty acids). We start using this as soon as one of us starts showing signs of grumpiness. Yes, that's as technical as I get. Usually, my husband, who is very easy going, will start getting a little grumpy. I, on the other hand, manifest the transition by 'over thinking' things or taking life a little too personally. These subtle indicators tell us that nature is transitioning and if we want it to be a smooth transition, it's time for gogi and acai!

The Acai berries have a similar profile to the gogi berries. We like to alternate between the two juices as buying both at the same time can be cost prohibitive. However, I find that the acai seems to be a little more powerful when it comes to brain function. The amino acid profile is nearly the same, but for me, the absorption and utilization seems to be stronger. This is a good! As anyone with kids can tell you - keeping track of multiple schedules requires more brain power than one might think!

The message here is that supplements don't have to be synthetic mixtures or pills - they can be as simple as a different fruit or juice added to your diet for a short term issue. In fact, food is the best supplement there is! Man has not been able to duplicate the perfection of what resides in nature even if we've come close. God has given us everything we could possibly need in it's perfect form and we just have to stop long enough to remember the perfection. It's within us and around us. I wonder - is that the original sin - forgetting the perfection we already are?

We are here to remind each other of who we really are - our perfection in the Creator of All that Is. My prayer for you is that you remember your perfection, your beauty - your truth. For in each of us is the key to happiness. If you want the world to change, be the change. If you want happiness, be happy.

Oh yeah, check out this incredible site: foodmatters and watch the trailer. It will open your mind!

The image of the gogi berries was provided by Sten Porse on Wikipedia and is licensed by the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 3.0 License

Be Real: Ego & Soul (part 2) - Folding the Laundry

If you're wondering about our laundry system - there's a clean pile and a dirty pile. If the kids are lucky, they get to pick out of the clean pile because it's bigger than the dirty one. However, there have been occasions when they've had to pick out of the dirty pile. Hey, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger - right!?

That's the idea here - Some of us have the physical ego experience figured out. Some of us have the soul's spiritual experience figured out. The goal is to get the two in balance at the highest vibration of LOVE.

Instead of pushing down the 'bad feelings' (which are low vibrational thoughts), we recognize them, accept them and allow them to flow so that we can understand what it is that is really being communicated to us. Many times these 'bad feelings' are limiting beliefs and/or programs of behavior we learned as children. You know the statement "you sound like your mother"? Well, we do for a reason. It's been programmed into our cells. However, now that we have consciousness, we can change our programs just like changing a computer's programs. We can choose the 'higher vibrational thought'. The good feeling...

This is an example that happened a few nights ago - I was putting the kids to bed, the little one was screwing around. I felt the anger well up inside me. I yelled at him. Now I felt like crap. So I stopped. Why am I angry I asked? - because he always does this and I'm sick of it. So what do I want to happen? - that he go to bed peacefully and easily and without screwing around. Why, my ego asked? So I can have time to myself. So, I was angry because I was wanting peace, but expecting 'screwing around'.

The two emotions were polar opposite, so anger was the emotion that came up to show me the disharmony of thought - peace vs. chaos. How did this change? Well, after yelling at him a second time, I figured it out and started folding laundry. I began expecting that it would change, he would go to sleep. The term 'fake it until you make it' had new meaning!

I became 'lost' in the 'now' of the laundry. My thoughts shifted to peaceful, repetitive work that occupied my ego. Once my thoughts became peaceful, the situation lost it's disharmony and before I knew it, he was quiet and sleeping. Yes, he did cry a little and procrastinate with "I'm thirsty, etc...", but instead of feeling guilt and catering to him as I would usually after a situation like this, I said "you can do it, go ahead, now go to bed". I let him whine a little. My ego wanted to rock him. But my soul made me understand that I would be doing it out of guilt and that guilt does not serve but to continue the pattern of behavior I wanted to change.

So, where am I going with this? Just as the body has cravings that teach us what nutrients we are missing - negative emotions teach us what we are craving. Ultimately it is LOVE we aspire to. The harmonious connection between God and ourselves. The GOOD feelings.

Sometimes we are blind to the connection between what we want to experience and what we are actually experiencing - peace vs. chaos. These emotions can show us what 'nutrients' our ego is not understanding. By understanding what it is we 'don't want', we are able to define what we 'do want'. When we define the feeling that we do want in our experience, that is the vibration we start to rise towards and we start to feel good. This is how something perceived as 'negative' really is positive! These 'bad' feelings basically tell us there is a block to allowing God's love to flow. We must allow ourselves to love.

Have you heard of an emotional guidance system? That's what it is - understanding what we don't want so we can define what we do want and feel good. If you want more detail on this, you can explore Ask and It is Given, by Abraham Hicks.

If the negative feelings are not allowed to be understood, the body will start to feel pain and/or sickness. So we really do need to understand the feelings before we get to the pain, right? I know I do. Instead of denying how I'm feeling, I need to pay attention to it and accept it in order to move into understanding of it. But, without wallowing in the negative emotion to long.

How does this happen?
1. Identify the feeling
2. Does this feel good or bad
3. Do I want this feeling
4. If I don't want this feeling, what do I want
5. Identify the feeling I want
6. Look at the situation and decide if I can let it go
7. Ask God to show me the way... listen to His answer

Proceeding with the situation can be as simple as stopping what I'm doing to sit down and breathe. Usually, it's pretty simple. Part of this is asking for God to lead me and show me the way to understanding of this issue - or enlightenment.

Disease & pain begins as a feeling and by not understanding what that feeling is trying to tell us, we misinterpret the communication between the soul and the ego. Then the body manifests these messages - louder and louder until we stop and take time to get it. The mind is the bridge between the ego and the soul. The mind transmits the messages - it is the messenger.

If the ego feels bad, it needs to ask the soul, which is God, what are you trying to tell me. The thought is the answer from God, the bird singing outside, the person you just met, the blog you read. The signs are everywhere. His answer is everywhere and in everything. It comes down to LOVING YOUR EGO. The soul is perfection. The soul is teaching the ego to love itself. LOVE YOURSELF. Love is the highest vibration there is. It is the vibration of God.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Eat Real: Amino Acids

A question was asked this weekend about amino acids - what are they, how should I get them and why do I need them?

What are amino acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Protein builds the body. There are 20 amino acids, 9 of which are considered essential which means our bodies don't make them, so we must ingest them. Don't be surprised if more are discovered. Science is an evolutionary process.

Amino acids are present in protein sources. Most of us think meat when I say protein, but that is not the only way to get protein. A food source is considered to be a complete source of protein when it has all of the essential amino acids present. However, combinations of foods can create a complete amino acid profile and therefore present a complete protein, i.e. beans & rice.

High amounts of indigestible protein may be detrimental to the human body. (Meat is difficult to digest and would fall in the indigestible category.) I say 'may be' because each body is different and it's up to you to figure out what works and what doesn't in YOUR body. The RDA gives us recommendations of 30-50 grams of protein a day, more with pregnancy. You can find out what your specific needs are by listening to your body, or by checking out various sites. (The intention of this blog is not to give you rules to follow, but to give you insight into what your unique body may require.)

How do I get amino acids?
We absorb amino acids through our digestive track after eating a protein source. As mentioned earlier, meat is a source of protein, but not the only one. The more digestible the protein, the easier the body can absorb it and convert it to amino acids.

Animal sources such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, milk, and cheese have complete amino acids. However, these can be difficult to digest. Easily digested, vegetable & grain sources of protein are: avocados, beans, quinoa, hempseed, amaranth & buckwheat. The body can more easily absorb protein from plant sources than from meat. There is more absorbable protein in an avocado than an 8oz. steak. There is more protein in the steak, but the body does not absorb it and utilize it as well as it does from the avocado.

It is beneficial to get 50% of our protein intake from vegetable sources. You can also get amino acids from watermelon, Bragg's Amino's, and garlic. Because plants are so easy to digest, it takes strain off of our internal organs, especially the liver. When the liver gets a break once in a while, it can more easily detox the body.

Why do I need amino acids?
Because amino acids are the building blocks of protein and protein makes up a large portion of our body weight, we need them for pretty much everything. We need them for growth, tissue repair, immune system, hormones, enzymes, brain function, fluid & pH balance, collegen building (bones/teeth), preserving lean muscle (not building it).

Brain function is a big one. Did you know that depression can be linked to a lack of specific amino acids? There are studies and health practices that relate specific mental disorders to specific amino acids. It's called amino acid therapy.

Amino acid deficiency may manifest through reduced energy, metabolism problems, sleep disorders, stress, emotional disorders - the list is extensive.

What's important is that you decide for yourself what works for your unique body. By taking responsibility for educating yourself, you are loving yourself and allowing the evolution of your body and spirit. By giving your body what it needs, you are allowing the God within you to flow. By allowing God to flow, you are raising your vibration and allowing happiness, joy and love for yourself and those around you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Be Real: I Could or I Should - Release the Leash

We just have to get out of our own way and let God do the heavy lifting. God was talking and I was writing. Whenever an article comes easily, I know it's Him.

I've discovered the 'negative feeling' doesn't have to be analyzed. It just is. And the fact that it IS, should be enough to show me that what I'm doing is not what I'm intended to do at the moment.

I was always taught to 'push through it'. Just get it done. But in my history, this has always come with pain and/or sickness, when if I'd stopped and stepped back, I would have seen things more clearly! When you hear "Let it go and let it flow". That's what it means...

I just had a life reading with a dear friend who has come into her understanding of her gifts. It was beautiful to witness and an incredible gift to receive from the Creator through her. She taps into a person's unique soul energy. By connecting with the 'true me', I was given a lot of insight into myself. She did not predict the future or dissect the past. She reaffirmed what my soul already knows in a 'language' my ego could understand. What a blessing!

Our discussion has brought clarity back to my being. What my purpose really is. To be all things to all people creates stagnation. The intent of this blog and my going back to school is to inspire and educate you, body and soul. God, thank you for the reminder! He has a path laid out for each of us. The message I received today is "Let us - Let us guide you, let us do it..." Again, I'm reminded to let go and allow God to flow.

These words may resonate with you:
You shall honor only one God.
A dog has but one master.
To your own self be true.

By honoring yourself, you honor the God within. The difference between being true to yourself (which is God) is discerning between the should and the could statements. "I should do....... or I could do......". You pick. The "I should" also masquerades as "I need to". The should is obligation, it is a distraction from honoring our self. It creates guilt, anxiety, jealousy, anger, self doubt, worry - basically any fear based emotion. This is the leash that stops us from moving forward. The 'could' opens up opportunity. It gives us a choice. We always have a choice. That is the beauty of free will. There is no wrong path, only incorrect thinking. Look at each blessing as a choice (challenges are blessing - a new friend taught me that). The goal is to choose the 'good feeling' choice.

So, today, my friends, I choose the "I could" thinking and allow God to light my way forever! I wish the same for you in discovering what it is that makes you happy, feel love and honors the God within. Once we get out of our own way and allow God to flow, it's amazing the reality that is created. Release the leash from your reality. God is a path of expansion and forward motion. Love, fun, happiness, peace and prosperity. All things are possible through God. Set your intentions and watch it unfold...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Be Real: Ego & Soul - a Symbiotic Relationship (part 1)

I've realized that my soul was waiting for my ego to catch up to what it wants to do in this lifetime. After this weekend, my spirit is so happy with the progress my ego has made. And my ego is happy too! It surprised itself many times!

I've just spent 3 days with 6 beautiful souls taking Theta 2 training. It was incredible! I've come to understand why and how the body and the spirit work together. These are the realizations I had:

This body and the ego are part of this existence. The ego wants enlightenment, to understand love. The soul already understands everything, so here it comes into this body/ego. It's like finding a pair of pants that fit. The soul picks the body/ego combination it wants to work with and puts the 'pants' on. (Think of it this way - our souls are having an extra-Universe experience by working with the life form of the Ego on this planet. God is the entity that has come to have an experience here through the ego He created and we host Him.) This is having the human being experience. The human is the body & the ego. The 'being' is the soul, which is God. The ego is what keeps the soul in the body. Ego can also be referred to as fear.

OK, the soul is perfect, but the ego has never felt perfection before and expresses feelings. The soul is complete love, the ego is complete fear. Ha! In essence the soul is teaching the ego to love itself so that it can come into vibrational balance with the soul. That's why we are all already perfect - God is the soul and He is perfect.

The soul is learning how to communicate with the ego. This is intuition, the Holy Spirit, etc... The trick for the soul is to get the ego to understand this communication or new language. Negative emotions come from the ego not understanding the communication, or not having the vocabulary to understand. This is where trust enters. At some point, if we were lucky, we were taught trust. We feel it and the ego recognizes it. If the ego can understand enough by trusting the flow of the Universe (aka: God), it will allow God to flow because it recognizes God instinctively.

OK, here comes the body part. The body is the vehicle or house where this all takes place. the ego and the body go together in this plane of existence. To encourage better communication between the soul and the ego, the ego learns to keep the body clean. How do we keep the body clean? Choosing the right foods for our body, exercise, vitamins, minerals, energy work, etc... When the ego learns to love itself enough, these things become accepted. Then the ego learns to love itself by having an understanding of why it has negative emotions.

I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do something and my body reacts with pain or sickness. This is where Theta comes in for me. Theta 'reprograms' the ego by giving it understanding and knowledge of the vocabulary of the soul. Most of us have been programmed to think pain or sickness is a bad thing. It is and it isn't. If recognized early enough, these things can be flag posts for an area where the programming is insufficient for understanding at the ego level. If we can recognize the breakdown in communication between the soul and the ego, then the ego can be taught. In the past, I've recognized this as an energy block. It is not really a block, but stagnation. God is the energy and He is always flowing through us. That is the soul. The stagnation occurs with the ego not understanding the language. The process of communicating the language is led by the soul. Our intuition or Holy Spirit is part of that communication as are feelings and physical symptoms.

So what do you do today? Tell yourself you are good enough, love yourself just the way you are, accept yourself and trust that God will show you the way. These are all affirmations - affirmations are statements that attempt to reprogram the ego. If the ego can learn to love itself then the soul can flourish. As the ego understands more, it comes into more self love. As this happens, it's vibration comes closer to the pure vibration of love, which is the soul and God. Then the vibration of the human being rises higher. This is ascension. I think I get it! Ascension is the human and the being coming into total vibrational harmony with each other so that there is no separation. That is why Jesus could take his body to Heaven. I'm sure every religion has a master they defer to as being able to ascend to the highest vibration of love. It's all the same God.