Friday, November 26, 2010

Be Real: Chopped Wood

I was possessed today. The urge to buy wood and make a fire in the fireplace overcame me. I went out in terrible weather to buy half a stack of wood and have been burning it all day.. It was no surprise that the jacket I wore was my dad's. It was no surprise that as soon as I pulled up to the farmers' market, the man moved his cart so I could immediately back up and pick up the wood. It all happened quickly and easily. And it was oak.

My childhood was filled with weekends of chopping and cording wood. As a lumberjack, my father kept the trees he cut and then chopped them down into firewood for sale. I remember piles as high as the back porch in our backyard. After a while, he made a deal with a junk yard down the road and kept the wood there. The piles were even higher there! If my brother is reading this, he'll remember our days in that junkyard. It is by the Grace of God, that we are here! My brother and I would have to cord the wood (stack it up) in the back of his truck as he split it and threw it up there. One time, we were not going fast enough and he started aiming the split wood at us! Ahhh, the good ol' days!

It's been 6 years that he's transitioned, but each November fills me with the same feeling. It's a memory that's been burned into my cells for a lifetime. Just like chopped wood. Part of me wonders if I'll ever get over it. Part of me wants to keep it. Like remembering the days my own kids were born. It's just as important to feel the memory of the day my dad died. It's not living in the past, it's a reminder of an experience of God's Love. On the birthdays of my children, I get a little sentimental when remembering the miracle of their birth. The same happens when remembering the miracle of my father's death.

I am the oldest daughter and first born. They tell me that when I came home from the hospital, my dad left mom in the old truck to get out by herself and he brought me straight into the house. He immediately stripped me down to my diaper, put me on the floor and looked at me. My mother always says how she had stitches and had to come into the house on her own. Boy was she upset with him!

My sister was born second, but only lived a minute or two. My father, a tough Canadian lumberjack was brought to his knees. For all the drinking and smoking he did - it all changed in that moment. When he made arrangements to bury his second child, he also made arrangements with God. He stopped drinking and smoking that day for the rest of his life.

My brother was born third. I don't know much about what was going on in my father's heart at that time, but it had to do with staying on the straight and narrow with God. Of course, my mother was a nervous wreck wanting to make sure all would be well this time around. I have a feeling this is when he decided to live his life to get into Heaven.

We always joked that everything he did was to get into Heaven. We always joked he would die on the job and it would be quick. Turns out, it was. We always knew he loved us more than his own life. We know he is always with us.

I've heard that your relationship with God is based on your relationship with your father. That's an interesting psychoanalysis you could get lost in for a while... But, if I'm going to keep it simple, this is what my father means to me. He always takea care of us and providea for all wants and needs. He loves us more than his own life. He does and knows what he wants, when he wants without fear of anyone or anything. He is compassionate, kind and generous. He can be stubborn, or strong willed might be a better word.  He iss humble and proud. .He knows how to speak graciously in the face of insanity. He also knows how to craft curse words like poetry.  He is patient. He trusted the experience of his life here. He trusts himself. He trusts God.    

Sometimes my words are gracious and sometimes not. Compassion and tough love, patience and impatience are just a few of the dualities that live within me. When I don't know what to do I think of him and what he would do. In essence, I think of what God would do.

I have an overwhelming urge to install a wood stove into our fireplace and told dad I know it's him. It would be wonderful, wouldn't it?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Be Real: A Road Map

The flower doesn't ask how to bloom, it just blooms. The tree doesn't analyze how to grow, it just grows. The flower and the tree just are.  The road map of their life is embedded in them.  They don't have to think about it. 

Believe it or not, the same is true for us. We don't have to ask, it's already answered. There are many laws in the Universe. We live our lives by them naturally. Occasionally, we can get stuck in analyzing them. It's come to me that one of the many reasons Jesus is a miracle is because He came to give us one law that would allow us the freedom to just bloom and grow without having to worry about the rest.

This law: Love one another as I have loved you.  Surrender completely to God's Perfect Plan for you.

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 

You can say it a few different ways, but it means the same thing:
1. I surrender to Your Perfect Plan for me.
2. I am in Joyful Alignment with You
3. I trust in you Lord.

Jesus showed us that if we give ourselves completely and yes, this means completely to God, we don't have to worry about anything. That's incredible! When we surrender to God's perfect plan for us, that means we move through our day unencumbered by the woes of the world. We trust that every moment is perfect. We trust that each encounter is Divine. We trust that someone knows what is best for us regardless of what we think.

Ahh, there's the crux. Regardless of what we think. Yet, we are to think. We are to use our Free Will. However, we can dialogue with God. When at a crossroads, we can ask Him if something is beneficial for us or not.  We can scream, "Help me!"

So I say to you: Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For the one who asks always receives; the one who searches always finds; the one who knocks will always have the door opened to him.

I used to think that God meant the same thing as the Universe. It does not. God made the Universe. In fact, science has shown us that there is more than one Universe. Does this mean there is more than one God. Nope, there is still only one God who made the Universes. The Universe we live in is a sentient being, a complex mirage of cellular structure and flow of energy - as is our planet, as is our world, as is our body.  

As it was in the beginning, is now and every shall be forever and ever.

When we trust God, we trust that God is a Being so magnificent, so grand, so loving and kind that no one could possibly want more or better for us than this Being. This is God. Now, here comes the cool part. God made us and saw that we had forgotten our connection to Him so he sent Jesus. God fit His grandness into the man Jesus and delivered the radical message of love through Him. Ever try fitting into your skinny jeans? Imagine fitting all of God into this man. This human. Jesus unlocked the door for us to have communion with God, with Love, with the Truth of our existence. Jesus taught us the laws and that they were much easier than we all thought. And the easiest one is to accept the Lord our God and surrender our entire being to Him. To trust completely.

When we trust that completely, we trust that the Universe God designed works in perfect harmony for our benefit all the time. Why? Because, God wants the best for us.

I've heard many of you ask, "What's my purpose? It would be easier to trust in God's plan for me if I knew what it was." Got news for you - our purpose is all the same. To love one another as God has loved you. Do you need a fancy title? A career path? The choices are endless. What you do to sustain a living may or may not be related to loving others and that's OK. Maybe you make cupcakes, but are on call for a friend in need with cancer. Do you need a title to go with it? Do you really need more purpose than to hold that friend's hand as she moves ever closer to the light?

Pick a direction in which to steer your ship and move towards it. God will fill in the blanks. When you trust in God and that there is a perfect plan for you, trust that the right opportunity will be presented to you at the right time. Trust yourself. Trust your feelings and ask for direction towards a more meaningful life, career, relationship. Trust that you are guided as you ask. You might doubt, you might be afraid, you might even beat yourself up a bit. The fact of the matter is that you trusted enough to take the first step.

Here are some signs to look for:
1. It feels good now and later.
2. It feels so scary it excites you a little.
3. You have no idea why you are doing this thing, but know in your gut it's what you need to do.
4. Events progress easily. People, things, circumstances just unfold. Coincidence is God working.
5. You're pissed off and had enough. Enough to take productive positive forward motion. Or maybe even say, "Enough is enough!" Frustration and anger can be beneficial.
6. It feels good. In your gut, in your heart, in your being, it just feels good!

Let all that you do be done in love.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eat Real: Get to the Root of the Matter

Beets are plentiful right now as are many of the root vegetables.  It seemed appropriate to discuss the healing benefits of these grounding foods along with the the universal aspects of the seasons.  Yes, here in the Western Hemisphere, it is Fall.  The change of seasons on the East Coast is often heralded with the change of colors and temperatures!  As a designer, I've come to appreciate the intricate beauty of God's perfect design in all things, particularly our bodies and their relation to Nature.  Did you notice the color of the leaves and how they correlate to the colors of the vegetables - red, orange, yellow?  How about the fact that it's time to pick these vegetables when the leaves hit the ground - looks like a sign to me...  Hmmm, coincidence?  I think not.

Beets have been traditionally known in Russia to promote health and longevity. They are a natural source of phytochemicals and minerals that help boost immunity. They fight infection, are blood purifiers and liver cleansers. They also increase the cellular intake of oxygen and stabilize the acid-alkaline balance of the blood. This vegetable is a rich source of choline, which helps lessen chronic inflammation in the body. How does this help you? Chronic inflammation has been linked to a wide range of conditions including heart disease, osteoporosis, cognitive decline and Alzheimer's, and type-2 diabetes.  You'll find this to be true of most of the vegetable family.  More vegetables, means less decay and oxidation in the body.

Vegetables, in general, provide a rich source of vitamins and minerals.  What I find fascinating about root vegetables is their high mineral content.  (Yes, I do find this fascinating - don't laugh too hard!) The plant spends the summer and fall growing and absorbing all the nutrients from the soil.  That is how the fruit of the plant, the tuberous part, becomes full of minerals.  If the soil is depleted of minerals, so too is the vegetable.  All the more reason to keep our soil as clean and healthy as possible.  As an aside, if you are planning a garden, get some sea water or 'green sand' fertilizer to repopulate the soil with minerals.

From a lifestyle perspective, the foods provided at this time of year require cooking. That means SLOW DOWN!  Ever try to eat a raw sweet potato or beet?  Not the easiest thing in the world.  Although, I am a huge proponent of eating raw, I am also a huge proponent of listening to your body.  Actually, many foods need to be cooked in order to release the nutrients within and for us to absorb them. 

Baked Beet Recipe
Use this recipe for individual root vegetables, or create different combinations..  Experiment and have fun!


5 small beets
3 large carrots
2 parsnips
1 fennel bulb
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. sea salt


Preheat oven to 425, scrub and chop vegetables.  Be sure to finely dice the fennel bulb.  Coat all vegetables in olive oil and salt. Spread out evenly on a baking sheet and bake covered for 30 minutes and uncovered for 15 minutes.

We are intricately interwoven into the Universe.  We are part of the Earth, part of Nature.  Just slow down, look outside and take your cues from your body and what you observe out the window.    Allow your mind to be the servant to your body.  Once we learn how to truly listen to what our bodies are telling us, we can draw conclusions and correlations for ourselves.  Each discovery is unique to the person.  Thank you for allowing me to share with you today.  Blessings for a peaceful week!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Eat Real: Paper Bag Popcorn

The kids and I have always loved popcorn. It wasn't until they asked our babysitter to make it, that I totally forgot most of the world microwaves their popcorn. The kids showed her the pot, the oil and the bag of popcorn. She said they had better wait until their parents get home.

Until you teach someone to cook, you don't always realize what a huge step it is for them to make anything that doesn't come in a microwavable package. Cooking doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. It's really quite easy and quick. In fact, I prefer to teach easy and quick. If it has too many ingredients, chances are I won't make it and neither will you. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I like to do it up and get all fancy with food. I save those occasions for the occasional Sunday or the holidays. Most of the time, it's a cast iron pan, a stoneware casserole dish or crock pot that gets the job done. You can thank my mother for that. She was and continues to be the queen of one pot meals.

But I digress, we're talking about popcorn here. As a kid, making and eating popcorn is one of my favorite memories. I remember my mother forgetting the lid on the pot and popcorn popping all over the kitchen. Then there was my neighbor who would only eat it with a spoon in a bowl. And, of course, my dad - who, always appreciated being served the first bowl on the back porch on his rocking chair. I remember him shirtless in the summer and the stray popcorn getting caught in his chest hair. He'd say, "Saving it for later."

This recipe is fun, easy and inexpensive. The best part is you can experiment with it. You can add melted butter, sugar or honey to the mix and come up with your own concoction. We like salt and grated Romano cheese. For us, this recipe is about the experience of making the popcorn as much as the eating of it. It's an event. Something the kids look forward to. It draws us closer together as we share in the experience of making it and creating a ritual around it.

Paper Bag Popcorn:
1 grocery store paper bag
1/2 cup popcorn kernels
1/4 cup sesame oil
1 tbsp. butter
1 tsp. salt
1 pot with a lid

Pour oil in the pot and add butter. Turn heat to high, put the kernels in and cover with lid. Give it a few minutes and you'll hear them start to pop. There is no science here, but when you hear them really popping is when you have to turn the heat to medium. Another minute and turn the heat off. Just let it finish popping. Pour popcorn in the bag with salt and anything else. Close the bag by folding it over and shake like crazy. You can eat it out of the bag or put it in a bowl.

The directions are something you will have to 'feel around' with. As each stove, pot and patience is different. FYI - burning a pot or two is part of the process.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Be Real: Gratitude Initiative

My four year old made a foot stamped turkey at school. He glued feathers around the stamp of his foot, put some googly eyes on and made himself a turkey. Not bad! The teachers write what the child tells them they are thankful for around the turkey. He is thankful for cookies, sausage and hot dogs. Boy, did that make me laugh! I half expected Scooby-Doo to be up there also!

I love this month because it causes people to pause and look at their lives from a place of abundance, rather than lack. Look at what you do have, bless it, thank God for it. For the one who has much, more will be given. Here's a quote from the book, Having A Mary Heart in a Martha World, "The secret to happiness lies not in getting what you want, but in wanting what you have. Without gratefulness, we are prone to hardness of heart and dark mind." By recognizing the gift of God's Grace in our lives, it is impossible to take it for granted. We recognize it by saying thank you, by being grateful. Otherwise, we begin to take God's Grace for granted, abusing it and allowing our hearts to become dark.

By thanking God, thanking each other and counting our blessings, we experience God. We experience the Grace of God, His Divine Mercy.

From a scientific perspective, gratitude can change brain chemistry. Studies have actually shown how the brain's activity changes when a person begins saying thank you. Psychologically, one's perspective can't help but shift to a more positive framework.

There is a post from a friend on facebook who has just completed chemo and radiation. She decided to start the month by writing one thing she is grateful for everyday. What a great exercise for us all!

So this month, the term the Angels have given me is "The Gratitude Initiative". Everyday this month, say out loud what you are thankful for. Write down one thing. Tell your friends and family. Pass it on. Share it. Let's see how many people are ready and willing to acknowledge the Grace of God in their lives.

Count your blessings. Through Gratitude, we experience Grace, we Grow in Love and give Glory to God. Stamp your foot for God (and glue some feathers and googly eyes on it!)

Eat Real: What is a diet?

Any diet is a spiritual journey. Any attempt at self-improvement is a desire to communicate more fully with Source. The soul communicates a desire for this communion with Source through the body. Going on a diet is our response to that communication. The missing component to conventional marketed diets is this - God.

That is the key component to anything! Why do you want to diet? To lose weight? Is your cholesterol high? Pre-diabetic? Basically, to feel and look better. Why feel and look better, why bother? To receive compliments? Attention? Approval from others? To fit into a size 6? To be healthy? These reasons alone may get you motivated, but continued focus on them will keep you trapped and slingshot you back to where you started.

When you start considering your body as a Holy Vessel and seeing the Divine in all of Creation - including you, then you've found the magic ingredient to lasting health, weight loss and feeling good. The key for all of us is to recognize that we are Creation. We are Divine.

Religion and diet are both frameworks to finding your connection to God. And each are as individual as the person. There is no right or wrong way. There is only 'the way'. The Way we all share. The framework gets us started, but eventually we have to improvise, finding what works for us to keep moving forward. Sometimes the distraction of 'following the rules' gets in the way and we can loose our original intention. Imposing my beliefs (limits I accept in my experience) on your beliefs creates a disharmonious vibration - it does not feel good to you or to me. But, accepting that you are on your path and me on mine and that they are parallel or may converge occasionally - well, that feels much better, doesn't it? Ultimately, you decide what you allow into your reality.

When it comes down to it, if someone wags a finger in your face and tells you "NO, do this and do it my way" - if you're like me, you may push back just because you can. Deprivation sets up an ugly roller coaster of self-inflicted pain. But, if someone presents you with information and gently says, "Consider this". My bet is you'll listen. Same with a diet, except it may be your own finger you're wagging in your face.

Balance is key. Moderation in all things brings enlightenment. I read this morning, that God is in all things, whether you perceive it to be good or bad. The perception of separation from Source is only an illusion.