I kept hearing this in my head on Saturday. We have so many opportunities open to us, there's so much to choose from - what if we make a wrong decision, what if we miss an opportunity? How many of us have heard that monkey chatter in our heads? Self doubt, self criticism - we should have done or should not have done something - Regret.
This is just another way our ego distracts us into thinking this reality is real. That things are so important we have to think over the past and worry about the future when all that matters is right now. There is only abundance, there is always more and more than enough. Anytime we say we want something, we define ourselves in a state of lack. Here's where the faith comes in - we surrender and know what we have is exactly enough and more than what we could have ever dreamed. We give it over and know the Universe will deliver what we need and desire when it's appropriate - all we have to do is have patience.
Here's the common sense part - do what feels right and makes sense. Stop talking yourself into or out of situations and opportunities. It's called intuition, the voice of God. If you're "trying", then you're doing it wrong. I used to ask my son - "easy way or hard way?" when he'd have to take medicine. He always chose the hard way! How many of us do that?! If it feels appropriate, take the opportunity or the chance. If it feels heavy, inappropriate or otherwise - honor your feelings! You don't have to know why, all you need to do is honor how you feel. There is never a missed opportunity. There are always more chances. God, the Universe is abundant like that. Stand in your power and move on.
Break it down even further - eat junk, feel like junk. Eat whole, real food - feel good. It is that simple. Feeling good doesn't have to be hard. Eating good doesn't have to be difficult. Life is as simple or complicated as you want it to be. I read this recently as I discern another degree: "Faith in the Designer and His design. Proof of His love in every natural remedy. There is a predictable and reassuring order in Nature that embraces all of us if we only open our hearts and minds to it." Philip Fritchey
All of this brings me the equation... Common sense + Faith = Intuition. When you trust your intuition, you stand in your power. When you stand in your power, you stand in the power of God, for you and God are one in the same.
Common sense steps to feeling good:
1. Trust God/Universe/Source and trust yourself.
2. Eat real food.
3. Drink lots of water.
4. Move your body and sweat.
5. Sleep.
6. Go Outside.
7. Move your body.
Are you going to follow the feel good feeling or the distracted, icky feeling? It's all vibration. Feeling good means vibrational harmony, feeling bad or 'off' means vibrations are out of sync.
Easy way or Hard way - each way gets you where you're going. All you have to decide is how you want to get there. I choose the easy way (most of the time :).