Eating food of the earth, being honest with our emotions, slowing down and taking care of ourselves and our needs is essential to living a life in balance.
You can look at the pieces of your existence or start by looking at the whole of it. Do you feel good? Are you in pain? Stop, feel, breathe. You know how to heal yourself. Your body has innate, intuitive intelligence. No one gave you instructions on how to breathe, or how to make your heart beat. It just does!
What you eat is reflected by what you feel. How you feel is reflected in what you eat. When you feel good about yourself, you eat good. When you feel bad, you eat bad. Food is an integral way you can take care of yourself. Food changes you at the cellular level. It's in your blood, tissues, brain matter. You are what you eat is truer than anyone realizes. Do you want to be a chicken nugget or a leaf of lettuce?
What we feel is a by product of the experiences we've had. We've been programmed to believe, process and respond to life in a certain way. Our energetic field is a reflection of our beliefs and emotions. Everything is energy. Intention is energy, prayer is intention, worry is intention, fear, love... all of it is intention. If we can address the lower vibrations of fear and worry and come to see the illusion of it all, we can release it and allow love to fill us. As if on cue, the pain leaves, and we feel better.
This is the crux of body, mind & soul medicine. Addressing ALL of the individual aspects of the person as a complete whole.
Think about that the next time you take a bite of cake!