There's always something new to learn and from that opportunity to learn, a chance to grow. That's what this life is all about. Would you tell your kid not to try something new? Why shouldn't you? If something is working, great - don't fix it. But, if something is not, why not try something new? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with the same undesirable result.
Trust your intuition, listen to your inner voice no matter how quiet and small it is. It's trying to tell you something. It's trying to tell you life doesn't have to be difficult, that simple solutions are there staring us in the face all the time.
I was watching a video of Dr. Oz about the future of medicine. What struck me was that the future of medicine ends up being defined as the traditions that have been around for thousands of years. What's future about it is this - science is able to quantify it and that the old ways are being combined with current 'modern' therapies. The old remedies have always been the best, least expensive, and easiest. I'm not knocking modern, western medicine. What is interesting though is that clinical studies have proven that the more advanced our culture gets in medicine and technology, the sicker the population becomes.
Check out these statistics:
92% of Americans are deficient in vitamins and minerals
20% of Americans get most of their calories from sugar
90% of Americans are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids
The US is ranked 12th out of 13th for health care in industrialized countries
Approx. 10 trillion per year is spent on health care
180 million alone was spent in 2009 for depression medications
Ask yourself this - Do you need more health care or different health care? Maybe it's not health care that needs to change but a paradigm shift in our thinking, doing and living - a lifestyle change. See what I mean about combinations? It comes down to balance again. What do you need for balance in your life?
Historically, the poorest civilizations have used food and faith to heal themselves. We are lucky enough to live in one of the greatest countries in the world with everything at our fingertips. Wouldn't it be wonderful to utilize the traditional methods that have worked for millenium along with the technology that's been developed? You are your own best advocate. We have choices.
God gave us everything we could ever need to heal and live in harmony with Him. All we have to do is choose it.