I am a board certified health & nutrition consultant located in Cary, NC. My intention is to educate, inspire and guide people as they learn the tools to improve the quality of their life and health.
Everything is food - relationships, careers, exercise and spirituality. In addressing all aspects of your life you learn how to live in balance. Balance is the key to peace and enlightenment.
It's about guiding the direction of consciousness, changing perceptions, listening and responding to individual needs.
Eat Real, Be Real by Roberta Osborne, 2010 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work atwww.eat-real.com.
Download and share with others as long as you attribute the work to Roberta Osborne without changing in any way or using it commercially.
This publication reflects my personal experience, opinions and research. For specific medical diagnosis and treatments, refer to a medical professional.