I share this story with you about my son ... He was grunting. My husband is Italian and pasta has always been big at our house. This grunting would start as soon as the child took his first bite of food and it would increase as he went through the meal. He really couldn't stop. It was annoying at first. He literally sounded like a pig snorting. Finally, I took him to the doctor and she said it was a nervous tick. So, basically, it was emotional. After doing some reading and listening to my inner voice - I decided to cut out gluten for 2 weeks to see if he improved. Guess what? He did. No more grunting. So, here's the kicker - I added back the pasta with the gluten. Guess what - more grunting.
Did I get him allergy tested? Nope. Did I do this because the doctor told me to? Nope. I did this because of the guidance I received from Spirit and my own intuitive voice. After reading enough information and seeing ticks can be related to neurological disorders in children and that these children always improved on gluten free diets - I made the next logical conclusion. Cut out gluten products and see what happens. This was a lot easier, less invasive and less expensive than getting allergy and neurological testing. He was and continues to be in no grave danger.
The more research I do, the more information I find about the side affects of gluten. I've researched 4 different, unrelated conditions this week and reducing and/or eliminating gluten increases the recovery time for ALL of them.
My own family has gone 90% gluten free. We still use spelt flour, which is a cousin of wheat and considered a reduced gluten product. Many people who follow a gluten free eating plan have been able to tolerate this flour. However, we've experimented with many others including brown rice flour, oat flour, coconut and quinoa flours. All have been great. We've been able to mix and match them to create flour combinations to suit whatever we are baking at the time.
His grunting was a sign of inflammation - an intolerance to a food product. What I'm getting at is this - regardless of a serious diagnosis or just grunting at the dinner table, health improves when gluten is reduced. We've adapted and so can you! Here's one of our favorite recipes. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Gluten Free Baked Ziti
1lb brown rice ziti
28 oz can organic crushed tomatoes
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. basil
1 tsp. rosemary
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 lb. grass fed ground beef
2 cups shredded mozzarella (rbgh & hormone free)
Cook beef, olive oil, spices together. When complete, add crushed tomatoes. Cook pasta and drain. In a 9x13" pan, coat bottom with sauce/meat mixture, layer pasta on top, add more sauce and then cheese. Repeat layer with pasta, sauce, cheese. Bake at 350 degree Fahrenheit for 30 min.
Here's to a meal without grunting!