I was able to experience Creator's hand working and putting me where I would be of most use - and that was with my family. Originally, I had a client appointment, but she was a no-show. Hopefully, she is ok. What I got to do instead, was go rock climbing with the kids and see my husband get his belay certification. This means the kids can use the ropes now and not be limited to just free climbing. This is something they've been wanting to do for some time. It all happened because I went with them and was able to watch the youngest while my husband received instruction.
In the past, this no-show would have bugged me. It did a little, it showed me some client boundaries that require firming up. So, I received twice - the chance to be with my family and the chance to respect myself even more by setting firm expectations with clients.
This is a big deal! So, I can trust God to do what is in the highest good and in the meantime, use any 'setbacks' as an opportunity to grow. This past 5 weeks has been about seeing the good in everything. Everything, even set backs are good. They might not feel good to the ego, but they are part of a lesson for the soul. My husband always looks at the bright side of everything. "Isn't it great", he says. Well, I've made a conscious choice to do the same. I'm amazed at how much fun life can be when you look at it through the "Isn't it great" lens.
As I was watching the kids climb this morning and the cheesy grin on my husband's face, it hit me... All they know is they want to go up, so they climb. When they can't hang on anymore, they let go and someone is always there to catch them. Then they look at the course again, plan it out a little better and try to go up again. This time they make it a little higher. The message - let go and do it again.
Everyday, look forward to how the day will unfold. Have expectations for the best and you'll receive the best. Release what you think the best looks like. We don't know what lies ahead for us, all we can do is focus on the now and clear up any confusion on our parts. It's not about beating yourself up, but taking the "opportunity" to see the good, the light and to grow from it.
A friend recently sent this link to me: How to live before you die. Steve Jobs speaks to Stanford University graduates. It's perfect. By allowing Creator to work in our lives and remaining flexible enough to follow the path, this really can be an incredible life!
If you don't bend, you break.