It makes sense that this person would be feeling it first thing in the morning because her body has been processing her day all night. This is what I told her - let it out, don't stifle it. Have you tried holding back using the toilet? Doesn't feel so good, does it? It's the same with the negative thinking and feeling - let it out. If we spend too much time bottling it up and hiding it; it just ends up backing up and we get energetically consitpated.
I recommended that she give herself a time limit of 5 to 10 minutes of just basking in the glory of negativity. Then stop and balance it by reaffirming good or practicing gratitude. Detoxification is about releasing that which does not serve us, to make room for what does. We are all reaching out, trying to go beyond the label of who our ego thinks we are. It's so important to honor this process by allowing the lower thoughts to leave and blessing them as they do.
Imagine how powerful a detoxification program would be if you could combine the physical practices of eating real, clean, fresh food along with energy practices that allow your emotions to move higher and higher! Think about this, if you're going to replace something you know isn't good for you with something that is good for you - don't you have to acknowledge what isn't good first?
This woman is blessed because she acknowledged that this kind of thinking and talking is not good for her. She's already half way there. We can all learn from this. What is truly beautiful is that God wants us to move closer to Him and He will help us. By learning what does not serve our bodies and minds, we can release it and allow Him to fill us and lead us to what does serve us. Because in the end it will serve Him. It's called allowing or living in Grace.
Practical steps to allowing:
1. keep a journal
2. surround yourself with supportive people
3. pray
4. meditate
5. cut back on TV
6. eat real food - nothing processed
7. practice gratitude for everything
8. release expectations - only have strong preferences
9. release attachments
10. love yourself for who and what you are right now