So what if someone thinks you're crazy? Trust me, there isn't anything someone can think of me that I haven't already thought of myself. They wouldn't be telling me something new. I guarantee the same is true for you.
God made us different for a reason. We help each other remember who we truly are. Yes, it might be by helping us feel good, but it might also be in helping us feel bad. Every, and I mean every situation is a chance for growth and self improvement no matter how dire the circumstance. What growth and improvement you ask? Ultimately, it's our growth in faith and a closer relationship to Source, the Universe, the Creator, God. All these words mean the same. How much do we actually Trust God? Are we able to rise above the other person or situation that we perceive as being unsavory and see the light in them? Are we able to just see the light without thinking we've risen above them or that the situation is unsavory? Do you see the difference? One builds on the other. There is always more to give over and trust.
Just say and be who you are. Screw your light into the socket and connect to source. If you don't, you rob me of the opportunity to discover another piece of myself and you a piece of yourself. When you are who you are with no apologies, you allow God to flow fully through you in all His Glory and it feels good. This is the first step - Acceptance.
You make a critical difference in this world. Your piece of the puzzle is unlike anyone else's piece. Bring yourself to the party, warts and all. We are waiting...
Join with me and say 'screw it' - it's a good thing. It means we've surrendered to God one more time and let the light in.