It's all about creating the existence I want, because according to God, anything is possible - I just have to get out of my own way! As do we all! Are you in that place of knowing you were meant for more, feeling depressed, unhappy, wanting something else, but not knowing what it is? -Been there, done that... It has been about a year since I put out my intention and it's been answered in ways I could not have imagined.
A year ago I sat at the kitchen table talking to my husband about wanting more self awareness. Knowing I want to do something or was meant for something more, but not knowing what it is. My family is beautiful, our life is perfect, I have nothing to complain about. But, something was missing. That something was God.
Over this past year, I've learned everything has to do with my existence. What I say, think, do. What I eat, watch on TV, read. All of it affects us in small ways and all these small things add up to big things.
In my search for self awareness, I've discovered I am God. So are you. We all are. We are all a piece of Him. To know myself is to know God. To know that I am enough exactly as I am and that God loves me brings internal peace. And internal peace is true wealth. For in seeking myself, I've found God.
Here's the secret that's been revealed to me this month. This existence is the 'other side'. We are here to learn, play, experience. God is truth. Heaven is home. We are just visiting. I KNOW this now. Why, you ask? Because I see, hear and feel the Angels. I hear the guidance. I understand it and it makes sense. So, for me - I'm getting it right this time around and if that means I feel the fear and do it anyway, so be it! You really don't know until you try. I've gotten out of my own way and allowing God to lead the way.
Praying, affirmations and intention are all thoughts that are one in the same. If we offer up these thoughts from a place of love, then we vibrate love and love is what we receive. If we offer up these thoughts from a place of fear - well you connect the dots. The trick is to offer them up as preferences and just release them. Stop worrying about if it will happen or not. Just know it will. Release expectations of how you think something should be because this indicated ego attachments and creates limitations on God. The intentions are strong preferences.
These are a few of the prayers, affirmations and intentions that I've used. I've got notebooks full of them. When I publish my book, you'll get the rest then! They've all been given to me - from who else - God! And who delivered them to me? The Angels!
God, help me be who you want me to be and do what you want me to do.
I/We are healthy, wealthy, happy, peaceful and wise.
I trust myself and God. I am surrounded by Angels.
I see, hear and feel Divine Guidance and understand it clearly.
The intention today is to have confident detached discernment in all I think, say and do. To remain in Spirit, connected to my soul with a complete connection to God. I am intuitive and have complete confidence in myself and God.
To know God is to know myself. See ye first the kingdom of God and the rest will come.
I refuse to accept this limitation - God is my Source. I release all limiting ego illusions to the Light to be transformed.
I invite the Light and Love of God to fill me.
Now, here's another secret. Allow yourself to be in a receptive state to do these affirmations. For when you do them, you are reprogramming your subconscious. Your subconscious is a super computer which stores all the information of you. If you want to remove blocks, reprogram it. Say it enough times, do it enough times and it will take hold. What is so powerful about this is that it is so simple. It takes 21 days for blood to regenerate in the body. It takes 6 weeks to develop a new habit and it takes 6 months for that habit to become a lifestyle change. Now, that's according to science. I believe it can happen faster than that. I know it can. Because faith can heal anything instantly. This is healing.
Here are some tricks to allowing yourself to be in a receptive a state as possible:
1. eat or drink when affirming (healthy of course!)
2. affirm after or during exercise
3. affirm before bed
4. affirm upon waking
5. affirm after sex (I haven't tried this one, but plan on doing it very soon! Whoo-hoo!)
6. always affirm/pray/intend from a place of gratitude
7. write it down, say it, think it
8. tap (use EFT - see my August post)
9. read affirmations daily
10. cut back and/or eliminate the crap (food, TV, etc... you know what I mean)
11. include your loved one(s) - the power of many increases the vibration (the family that prays together, stays together)
All of these states have us in an 'open' place to receive the good affirmations faster and download them quicker. In the same turn, you can release that which does not serve you in this same state just as fast.