Are you confused yet? Let me start with the first one - finding my truth and what works for me is what works for God. It's called living in a state of Grace. I ask and I receive from God. We all do. What I've been asking for is confidence, discernment, peace, understanding and to remain in Spirit. In allowing these adjectives into my experience, I've come to see that it's really OK to just be me. To be real. I see the correlations. In order to experience God, I must experience myself and to do that I have to honor who I am and what I know right now but be open to the possibilities that lie before me. By acknowledging who I am and where I am right now, I allow myself to love me just for being me. When I love myself, I love God. By remaining open to what lies before me removes restrictions on what I allow from God. If I don't trust God to deliver, then I don't trust myself and vice-verse. I used to say "I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going where God leads", now I say " I know where I'm going, I'm led by my soul which is God and I remain in Spirit each day and every day. I'm guided by God, the Angels and Saints for the best and highest good. I look forward to how each day unfolds as I experience the Lord". The why, how, who, what and where are revealed to me when requested or as required according to God's will - Thy will be done. It's a constant state of evolution to be as high in vibration as possible. To be as holy as possible.
The second part, of placing restrictions or limits on what I ask from God actually limits Him and me. Asking is best done as thanking. Thank you for this opportunity, thank you for my financial abundance, thank you for our health, thank you for peace... you see where I'm going. Pray from gratitude as if you already have it and you do. In asking we place ourselves in a state of need or attachment, it is best to state the 'now' as you already have it. In doing so along with incorporating gratitude, you actually manifest or allow yourself to experience the greatness of God. It's done without restriction, limits or interference - just open yourself up to what comes. It is always be for the best and highest good and there is always more. Hear this, "There is always more". Limits, lack, restrictions are ego illusions - All things are possible in the eyes of the Lord. Say it again, "All things are possible in the eyes of the Lord."
Here's the last part, about my religion... It's no secret I'm catholic and it's no secret that I had a rudimentary knowledge of my religion. However, I have an intimate knowledge of my faith. I've also allowed beautiful relationships with Spirit filled metaphysical practitioners - energy healers, light workers and intuitives. I've learned so much from all of them. There was a point, though, when I thought I was getting 'off path' so to speak. That is until I went to talk to my priest. Know what he said? He said I was living in a state of Grace. Meditation is part of prayer - it's called listening to God! All the saints heard the Angels - it's called the Communion of Saints. Grace of God is also referred to as channeling or synchronicity among energy workers. It's just different vocabulary!
There's one Saint who's been with me - St. Teresa of Avila. She was a mystic - she saw, heard and felt what I'm seeing, hearing and feeling. She wrote "The "devotion of union" is not only a supernatural but an essentially ecstatic state. Here there is also an absorption of the reason in God, and only the memory and imagination are left to ramble. This state is characterized by a blissful peace, a sweet slumber of at least the higher soul faculties, a conscious rapture in the love of God." It really is ecstasy and rapture - it's like a full body orgasm without the sex - all the time! The more I meditate and pray morning and evening and give myself to God without hesitation, the fuller I am and feel. I see and hear the Angels, the knowing is clear and crisp. They are real! I am so grateful and appreciative of this experience and expect it to continue and improve as God requires. This is the trick - just allow being open to seeing, hearing and feeling without judgment. It is not something to turn on and expect - God's Grace is to be cultivated, appreciated and respected - in doing so it is allowed and when it is allowed that connection is full, wide and powerful.
Just allow and trust God. This is what works for me and it is perfect. What works for you is perfect. And, as is true in anything in life, growth requires change. So, if you want to grow, allowing change is a good place to start. This is the prayer that started my journey: "God, help me be who you want me to be and do what you want me to do." Now, here I am with you in this state of Grace. (Reiki Master class starts for me this weekend - I am bursting at the seems with excitement!)