She has 5 kids, I have 3. Now, the challenge has been this - how do you juggle life, responsibilities and the whole mom thing, yet walk around everyday carrying this dream of who you actually are? How does the dream come true? Don't get me wrong, the family is a dream, the beautiful life - all of it and I'm grateful for it. However, I know I'm not alone when I say there is this yearning to know, to really KNOW.
So she came up with this idea of giving others 'operating instructions' of how to become. How to become whatever it is that you want! She and I are living the operating instructions and are already becoming. Let me tell you, there is so much freedom in just putting it ALL out there for the world to see and KNOWING that it's all ok. It's more than ok, it's INCREDIBLE. Just be truthful to yourself and the world will respond with love and support.
As soon as you admit what you feel, really feel - you've already taken that first step towards knowing and becoming. It's literally one step at a time, one goal at a time. And always, ALWAYS through God. It's in the complete surrender to Him and His will that we gain everything we've ever wanted in this life. In surrendering to God, we receiving the knowing and All That Is.
My accountant said to me, "Where do you want to be 5 years from now?". Answer that question first and you'll have an idea of what path you want to travel. Be honest with yourself. Dream big. Just put it out there. Now, what is 1 thing you can do today that will move you in that direction? Make a list of what you can do and what you feel you can't. Give the 'can't' list to God. He'll do it for you.
We really are creators of our existence. However, God is running the show. All we have to do is show up. How we choose to show up is another matter. There's this whole 'manifesting' thing. This is what I've figured out - the cleaner and clearer you get about yourself and your limiting ego beliefs, patterns and illusions the faster it goes. As soon as we admit the limitations, we can release them and replace them with the higher thought, the higher vibration. This is where prayer can help. Prayer is another way to set intentions. Then there is meditation - listening to the guidance from the prayer we've just offered up. If we loose sight of where we are going, we just trust we are going. We surrender and trust we are being guided and carried. You all know the 'footsteps in the sand' poem... "There were 2 sets of footprints in the sand and then there was one set. The Lord said, those times you only saw one set of footprints is when I carried you..."
We really are what we think, speak, do and eat. Who we attract and the experiences we attract are in direct response to our vibration. Change your vibration and change your life. It's that simple. That's why the best thing you can do is take care of yourself first. Just like in the airplane, put the oxygen mask on yourself before your kids. It's the same for all of life.
1. eat real food - the kind that grows
2. meditate and/or pray everyday
3. honor your body - take a walk, sleep
4. say something nice to someone - and mean it
5. be honest with yourself
6. trust God
Be true to yourself, be real, just show up - God will do the rest.