December is already here! What has really struck me is that just five months ago I started teaching health and wellness classes once a month. It is with great satisfaction and humble thanks as I look back on these past five months.
The December class features the blood type diet. This is a wonderful tool to help you understand how unique you really are. Dr. Peter DÁdamo, author of Eat Right For Your Type, shows a chemical reaction between your blood and the foods you eat. The reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. This reaction is caused by a factor called Lectins. Lectins are abundant and diverse proteins found in foods and have agglutinating properties that affect your blood. So when you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area.
This diet is based on a process that takes place in our blood called agglutination. Agglutination is “the reaction between antigens and anti bodies in the blood. For instance, agglutation will occur if blood type A is mixed with blood type O. Basically, the blood becomes thick as the antibodies in your body attach to what the body perceives as a foreign invader. This reaction takes place with the immune system. It is designed to keep you safe. The antibodies attach to the foreign substance or antigen. It is critical to match blood types when transfusing blood and doing organ transplants for this very reason. Otherwise, the immune system will reject the blood or the organ.
When your body recognizes an intruder, it produces more antibodies to attack the invader. The antibody then attaches itself to the intruder and a "gluing" effect takes place. In this way the body can better dispose of these foreign invaders. This gluing effect causes what we interpret as inflammation, pain, allergies, etc...
The research is based on the theory that If you eat a food not compatible with your blood type and stomach enzymes, the food is not broken down or digested properly, and the vitamins and minerals are not absorbed into your bloodstream to fuel and nourish your body. The body reacts to the food just as it would any foreign substance. You might experience a stomach ache, gas, bloating, or even worse, vomiting or diarrhea. What happens is that antibodies glue themselves to the foreign invaders (improper food) and agglutination or "gluing" takes place in your blood.
Each class is focuses on an aspect of diet, lifestyle and your body so that participants learn a variety of ways in which to interpret how their unique body works and how their soul communicates through it. There is so much power in learning with a group because we all learn from each other! The first class for 2010 is January 24th in Raleigh. We are discussing Raising Your Vibration through Food. You can learn more about it and register by clicking here.
Looking forward to seeing you there! Until then, enjoy your holiday season. Eat Real... be Real. May the Lord grant you peace, health and happiness! Namaste.