Now onto the why you are here - empowerment! Here is another piece to the puzzle I've recently been reminded of...
The Emotional Freedom Technique can be learned by anyone who is willing and is easy to use on yourself and others. What I love about this healing technique is its simplicity!
It is based on the science of acupuncture except you use your finger tips instead of needles. This is great mind-body medicine. Our body is energy, everything is energy. The Chinese figured out the energy pathways in the body and we call them meridians. By tapping on 9 different points on the body, energy can be released to flow instead of remaining blocked. You state an affirmation while tapping. More information can be found here: Emotional Freedom Technique.
The premise is that blocked energy in the body is blocked emotion. Blocked emotion creates a state of dis-ease. By stimulating the meridians at these specific endpoints on the body, you can take something 'bad' and make it 'good'. You start by tapping on the 'karate-chop' point on your hand, the eyebrow, temporal lobe, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collar bone, armpit, rib cage, then the crown.
"When you use EFT to release any negativity and conflict in your energy system, you will naturally be vibrating in a more positive, uplifting space. Then the LAW of ATTRACTION, which is always working, will bring you more of the positive things that you have been asking for. It’s a perfect match." EFT Master Carol Look
You can use this to redirect pain, including painful thoughts. You can use it while manifesting and raising your vibration. You can use it to understand and redirect cravings. I started using this technique in June before certification in Reiki and Theta. It is powerful. And the beauty of it is that ANYONE can do it.
Don't be afraid to try out something new. You might surprise yourself and be good at it and actually like it! As more of us realize our true joy, we elevate the vibration on the Earth and cause a ripple affect that literally changes the world.
We touch each others lives in a positive way by sharing ourselves one person at a time, one thought at a time, one beautiful and focused prayer at a time.