Too much of a good thing is still too much. This year, think about what you really want to indulge in. Is it cookies or fellowship? Can you have one without the other? I think so. It has becomes such an ingrained part of our culture to partake in the sugar indulgence of the season. Talk about peer pressure! It's ok to enjoy company without feeling obliged to eat everything in site.
Another consideration is the quality of the sugar products we eat. Plain, white table sugar is processed and refined to such a point that it contains virtually none of the minerals it had from the original cane. Did you know bleach is also used in the processing? Yup, it is. When the body ingests such highly processed and chemicalized food products, it views them as toxins. Toxins lead to fat. Fat is our body's protective mechanism. The liver processes unknown substances into fat to keep them away from our internal organs to keep us free of disease. What happens though, is that overtime, the liver gets tired and doesn't process it to fat as easily and so some of the toxins slip into the blood stream and get to the organs anyway. That's when we see disease start to manifest.
What are the alternatives you ask? Well, for starters, look at the quality and the quantity of the sugar you are taking in. Natural, organic forms of sugar include honey, maple syrup, molasses, agave nectar and whole cane sugar. Now, consider how much you are taking in. Sugar comes in many processed foods, even cold cuts from the deli.
At this time of the year, many of us end up on a sugar high and then crash when it's all said and done. Then illness can set in. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is the time of the year to withdraw and restore. The animals do it, but we don't. We've been programmed to push ourselves and be part of 'the happiest time of the year'. Every time is the happiest time!
Pace yourself, allow your body to rest, give it the fuel it needs to carry your soul and fulfill your purpose. Love yourself enough to say, "No thank you" to the cakes, cookies and more... Love your host and hostess enough to bring everyone together to share joy and happiness. Take a bath, watch some football, relax and enjoy the family. There's always more, there's enough to go around. This is an abundant Universe created by God. Lack is an illusion. There is only abundance - ha, there can even be abundance of lack!