We die a little every day and this is a good thing. We allow old thoughts and patterns of behavior to die away and make room for the new, higher thought that will bring us closer to the God in each of us. We are all pieces of the same whole. And in allowing the old, limiting beliefs to die, we transform ourselves everyday.
September has been a huge transformation time for me. My old self would have looked at all the blessings I've experienced as 'challenges'. However, in receiving all of these blessings, I've been able to grow in a big way. All I had to do was get out of my own way and let it happen. I've learned from the experience if it was one that no longer served me and redefined the role I want to play in the upcoming show. For all of this is a show, it's play. We can make it up as we go along. We don't need a plan for we already have one. We just need to follow it and remember who we are along the way.
Change is death and this is fascinating to me because it is a choice. It's a choice at a soul level. The soul is ready to transform again. The ego is not always aware of what the soul chooses, but in the end, the soul is the boss. Some death can be avoided. In taking care of our body, our emotions and our spiritual selves on a regular basis, we prolong our lives and allow our soul to carry out its mission. However, one has to choose on a conscious level to participate. It is not to be judged, it is what it is. When it's time to go, so be it!
We choose to look at experiences as blessings or challenges. To learn from or to suffer from. Which do you choose in your life? When we get out of our own way, we allow God to show us the way. All we have to do is show up. Nothing 'needs to get done', we don't have to 'make it happen'. Just do it and show up. Follow the signs and the good feeling signs mean your soul is driving the car and the bad feeling signs mean your 'self' is driving the car. I don't know about you, but I like the good feeling!
Guidance from the Self can be punishing - this is doubt in God. Guidance from the Spirit, or Soul is easy - this is trust in God. Even daisies face the sun. Be like the daisy and allow the light to guide you...