Eating healthy and making healthy choices doesn't have to be complex. That is the ego making it harder than it needs to be. Here are some simple steps that make a big difference...
Eat more fruit and vegetables
Drink more water
Move your body
Practice gratitude
Practice silence
Go outside
Eat more fruit and vegetables. As you eat more healthy, filling, nutrient rich food, your body will be less hungry and more satisfied. It's that simple. Constant hunger is a sign the body is lacking nutrients. When you feed it real food, it's less hungry. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". There's more truth to that statement than anyone realizes...
Drink more water. We are mostly water. Our planet is mostly water. Water conducts electricity. Electricity is energy. We are energy. So, water gives us the capacity to move energy. As you drink more water, you are allowing your energy to flow. The more water you drink, the more energy you have.
Move your body. Exercise in any way, shape or form you can do it is better than no exercise at all. So what if it's not in a gym and you don't have the perfect clothes or sneakers. Just move! Your body will thank you. Exercise moves the lymph and the blood. It brings oxygen to the body. It detoxifies the body. It brings peace to the mind.
Practice gratitude. The more thankful we are for what we have, the less we focus on what we don't have. A friend just told me how she is writing gratitude statements for 5 things a day. This is a good practice for all of us. Thinking, writing and acting in this way creates new synapses in the brain and reprograms us to think in a higher vibration.
Silence. Turn off the TV, put away the phone, get off the computer (ha!). Sit in utter silence for 1 minute and work up to 10 or 20 minutes. You'll be amazed at the peace you will achieve over time. As a mother of 3 boys, silence is like gold in this house!
Go outside. Thank God for the outside! Again, with 3 boys, we might go crazy if we stayed in all the time. When we start to feel overwhelmed, grumpy, out of balance, we go outside. It is grounding and calming. The air we breathe, the dirt we dig - all of it is soothing. We are part of the earth. Our bodies are part of nature - not above it or below it, but part of it. As soon as we honor that, balance returns.
Above all, remember, it need not be complex! Life is a simple as we want it to be. I send you peace, love and joy! Have a wonderful weekend! Namaste.