In learning to trust my intuition, the first thing I learned is what is ego and what is spirit. Intuition is communication from the soul. The soul is telling your body and mind, through feelings, pain or actual signs if something or someone is on your path or if the situation is a distraction. On the flip side, it can also tell you when something is really right for your path. In learning our intuition, it becomes easy to honor your soul and choose which direction you want to go in life.
No longer is the choice difficult. It's really simple if we allow ourselves to listen. The soul is easy, the ego is difficult. The soul trusts and the ego needs justification. The soul is here to enlighten the ego. It is the experiencer of this illusion. Our egos keep us in our bodies and our bodies are the costumes the soul wears to experience this life. The better condition we keep our bodies (costumes) in, the easier it is for the soul to carry through with it's mission. Eat real, exercise, slow down and enjoy life...
Anyway, I kept thinking, "Wow, look at all these opportunities God is giving me - I can and will do all of them. This is incredible." Then, a hesitation would pop up, or my back or hip would ache. Then confusion would set in. "Why would God present this opportunity if I wasn't suppose to do it? Why am I hurting or in conflict?" God is great and the Universe is ever expanding, so lots of wonderful opportunities will be presented on a regular basis. The trick is to listen to your body and the feelings from it with detachment. In doing this, you can understand the communication from your soul. In learning this, you get closer to understanding what it is you are here to do.
Sometimes I get the messages in my head or pictures. Sometimes, it's pain or a feeling. If I honor the very first thought or feeling, I'm following my intuition. What I learned though, living in this society is to 'push through it' - to ignore those feelings. This is a pattern of behavior that doesn't serve. In order to follow the good feeling, I have to listen to what my soul is communicating through the language of intuition. The messages ARE messages from God, my guides and the angels sent by God. They all point me in the direction of my highest good.
There is a wonderful book called Trust Your Vibes, by Sonia Choquette. In it, she talks about how to learn your intuition, develop and trust it. The steps are simple. This is a gift ALL of us possess. We just need to slow down long enough to honor it. Since it's from God - all I have to do is show up and God will do the rest.
This is my intention: "At the moment of choice, give me immediate clarity to know if it's from Soul or Self. Allow me to remain in touch with my Soul through the day and to know when it's for my highest good. Clear, complete instructions are communicated from God or the emissaries sent from God and I listen and understand them."
In these past few weeks, I've learned so much and continue to learn more everyday. I'm surrounded by beautiful souls that have shown me my path and give my experience validation. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all give ourselves the freedom to live life from the good feeling?