That's the idea here - Some of us have the physical ego experience figured out. Some of us have the soul's spiritual experience figured out. The goal is to get the two in balance at the highest vibration of LOVE.
Instead of pushing down the 'bad feelings' (which are low vibrational thoughts), we recognize them, accept them and allow them to flow so that we can understand what it is that is really being communicated to us. Many times these 'bad feelings' are limiting beliefs and/or programs of behavior we learned as children. You know the statement "you sound like your mother"? Well, we do for a reason. It's been programmed into our cells. However, now that we have consciousness, we can change our programs just like changing a computer's programs. We can choose the 'higher vibrational thought'. The good feeling...
This is an example that happened a few nights ago - I was putting the kids to bed, the little one was screwing around. I felt the anger well up inside me. I yelled at him. Now I felt like crap. So I stopped. Why am I angry I asked? - because he always does this and I'm sick of it. So what do I want to happen? - that he go to bed peacefully and easily and without screwing around. Why, my ego asked? So I can have time to myself. So, I was angry because I was wanting peace, but expecting 'screwing around'.
The two emotions were polar opposite, so anger was the emotion that came up to show me the disharmony of thought - peace vs. chaos. How did this change? Well, after yelling at him a second time, I figured it out and started folding laundry. I began expecting that it would change, he would go to sleep. The term 'fake it until you make it' had new meaning!
I became 'lost' in the 'now' of the laundry. My thoughts shifted to peaceful, repetitive work that occupied my ego. Once my thoughts became peaceful, the situation lost it's disharmony and before I knew it, he was quiet and sleeping. Yes, he did cry a little and procrastinate with "I'm thirsty, etc...", but instead of feeling guilt and catering to him as I would usually after a situation like this, I said "you can do it, go ahead, now go to bed". I let him whine a little. My ego wanted to rock him. But my soul made me understand that I would be doing it out of guilt and that guilt does not serve but to continue the pattern of behavior I wanted to change.
So, where am I going with this? Just as the body has cravings that teach us what nutrients we are missing - negative emotions teach us what we are craving. Ultimately it is LOVE we aspire to. The harmonious connection between God and ourselves. The GOOD feelings.
Sometimes we are blind to the connection between what we want to experience and what we are actually experiencing - peace vs. chaos. These emotions can show us what 'nutrients' our ego is not understanding. By understanding what it is we 'don't want', we are able to define what we 'do want'. When we define the feeling that we do want in our experience, that is the vibration we start to rise towards and we start to feel good. This is how something perceived as 'negative' really is positive! These 'bad' feelings basically tell us there is a block to allowing God's love to flow. We must allow ourselves to love.
Have you heard of an emotional guidance system? That's what it is - understanding what we don't want so we can define what we do want and feel good. If you want more detail on this, you can explore Ask and It is Given, by Abraham Hicks.
If the negative feelings are not allowed to be understood, the body will start to feel pain and/or sickness. So we really do need to understand the feelings before we get to the pain, right? I know I do. Instead of denying how I'm feeling, I need to pay attention to it and accept it in order to move into understanding of it. But, without wallowing in the negative emotion to long.
How does this happen?
1. Identify the feeling
2. Does this feel good or bad
3. Do I want this feeling
4. If I don't want this feeling, what do I want
5. Identify the feeling I want
6. Look at the situation and decide if I can let it go
7. Ask God to show me the way... listen to His answer
Proceeding with the situation can be as simple as stopping what I'm doing to sit down and breathe. Usually, it's pretty simple. Part of this is asking for God to lead me and show me the way to understanding of this issue - or enlightenment.
Disease & pain begins as a feeling and by not understanding what that feeling is trying to tell us, we misinterpret the communication between the soul and the ego. Then the body manifests these messages - louder and louder until we stop and take time to get it. The mind is the bridge between the ego and the soul. The mind transmits the messages - it is the messenger.
If the ego feels bad, it needs to ask the soul, which is God, what are you trying to tell me. The thought is the answer from God, the bird singing outside, the person you just met, the blog you read. The signs are everywhere. His answer is everywhere and in everything. It comes down to LOVING YOUR EGO. The soul is perfection. The soul is teaching the ego to love itself. LOVE YOURSELF. Love is the highest vibration there is. It is the vibration of God.