I've just spent 3 days with 6 beautiful souls taking Theta 2 training. It was incredible! I've come to understand why and how the body and the spirit work together. These are the realizations I had:
This body and the ego are part of this existence. The ego wants enlightenment, to understand love. The soul already understands everything, so here it comes into this body/ego. It's like finding a pair of pants that fit. The soul picks the body/ego combination it wants to work with and puts the 'pants' on. (Think of it this way - our souls are having an extra-Universe experience by working with the life form of the Ego on this planet. God is the entity that has come to have an experience here through the ego He created and we host Him.) This is having the human being experience. The human is the body & the ego. The 'being' is the soul, which is God. The ego is what keeps the soul in the body. Ego can also be referred to as fear.
OK, the soul is perfect, but the ego has never felt perfection before and expresses feelings. The soul is complete love, the ego is complete fear. Ha! In essence the soul is teaching the ego to love itself so that it can come into vibrational balance with the soul. That's why we are all already perfect - God is the soul and He is perfect.
The soul is learning how to communicate with the ego. This is intuition, the Holy Spirit, etc... The trick for the soul is to get the ego to understand this communication or new language. Negative emotions come from the ego not understanding the communication, or not having the vocabulary to understand. This is where trust enters. At some point, if we were lucky, we were taught trust. We feel it and the ego recognizes it. If the ego can understand enough by trusting the flow of the Universe (aka: God), it will allow God to flow because it recognizes God instinctively.
OK, here comes the body part. The body is the vehicle or house where this all takes place. the ego and the body go together in this plane of existence. To encourage better communication between the soul and the ego, the ego learns to keep the body clean. How do we keep the body clean? Choosing the right foods for our body, exercise, vitamins, minerals, energy work, etc... When the ego learns to love itself enough, these things become accepted. Then the ego learns to love itself by having an understanding of why it has negative emotions.
I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do something and my body reacts with pain or sickness. This is where Theta comes in for me. Theta 'reprograms' the ego by giving it understanding and knowledge of the vocabulary of the soul. Most of us have been programmed to think pain or sickness is a bad thing. It is and it isn't. If recognized early enough, these things can be flag posts for an area where the programming is insufficient for understanding at the ego level. If we can recognize the breakdown in communication between the soul and the ego, then the ego can be taught. In the past, I've recognized this as an energy block. It is not really a block, but stagnation. God is the energy and He is always flowing through us. That is the soul. The stagnation occurs with the ego not understanding the language. The process of communicating the language is led by the soul. Our intuition or Holy Spirit is part of that communication as are feelings and physical symptoms.
So what do you do today? Tell yourself you are good enough, love yourself just the way you are, accept yourself and trust that God will show you the way. These are all affirmations - affirmations are statements that attempt to reprogram the ego. If the ego can learn to love itself then the soul can flourish. As the ego understands more, it comes into more self love. As this happens, it's vibration comes closer to the pure vibration of love, which is the soul and God. Then the vibration of the human being rises higher. This is ascension. I think I get it! Ascension is the human and the being coming into total vibrational harmony with each other so that there is no separation. That is why Jesus could take his body to Heaven. I'm sure every religion has a master they defer to as being able to ascend to the highest vibration of love. It's all the same God.