I've discovered the 'negative feeling' doesn't have to be analyzed. It just is. And the fact that it IS, should be enough to show me that what I'm doing is not what I'm intended to do at the moment.
I was always taught to 'push through it'. Just get it done. But in my history, this has always come with pain and/or sickness, when if I'd stopped and stepped back, I would have seen things more clearly! When you hear "Let it go and let it flow". That's what it means...
I just had a life reading with a dear friend who has come into her understanding of her gifts. It was beautiful to witness and an incredible gift to receive from the Creator through her. She taps into a person's unique soul energy. By connecting with the 'true me', I was given a lot of insight into myself. She did not predict the future or dissect the past. She reaffirmed what my soul already knows in a 'language' my ego could understand. What a blessing!
Our discussion has brought clarity back to my being. What my purpose really is. To be all things to all people creates stagnation. The intent of this blog and my going back to school is to inspire and educate you, body and soul. God, thank you for the reminder! He has a path laid out for each of us. The message I received today is "Let us - Let us guide you, let us do it..." Again, I'm reminded to let go and allow God to flow.
These words may resonate with you:
You shall honor only one God.
A dog has but one master.
To your own self be true.
By honoring yourself, you honor the God within. The difference between being true to yourself (which is God) is discerning between the should and the could statements. "I should do....... or I could do......". You pick. The "I should" also masquerades as "I need to". The should is obligation, it is a distraction from honoring our self. It creates guilt, anxiety, jealousy, anger, self doubt, worry - basically any fear based emotion. This is the leash that stops us from moving forward. The 'could' opens up opportunity. It gives us a choice. We always have a choice. That is the beauty of free will. There is no wrong path, only incorrect thinking. Look at each blessing as a choice (challenges are blessing - a new friend taught me that). The goal is to choose the 'good feeling' choice.
So, today, my friends, I choose the "I could" thinking and allow God to light my way forever! I wish the same for you in discovering what it is that makes you happy, feel love and honors the God within. Once we get out of our own way and allow God to flow, it's amazing the reality that is created. Release the leash from your reality. God is a path of expansion and forward motion. Love, fun, happiness, peace and prosperity. All things are possible through God. Set your intentions and watch it unfold...