The funny thing about this transformation, it has allowed me to redefine myself and what I want to experience. Not only that, but it has allowed me to define new & better parameters for the experiences I choose to take part in. What seems like an injustice is an opportunity to learn and choose the light in the situation. What seems heavy or negative in feeling is an opportunity to learn what it is I want or don't want. And, since I've made the conscious, subconscious and soul choice to follow the good feeling - I've been learning alot about the 'choosing' in my life. I've noticed I needed more sleep, more quiet time, introspective work. I've had to go within to integrate and understand. The transformation was honored by listening to my body and feelings to know what to do - more hot baths, less email, more sleep, more complex carbs.
In order to keep moving forward, I've been cleansing my relationships this week. Now, this does not mean saying good-bye to people. It means saying good-bye to patterns of behavior in myself that are holding me back. By changing my patterns of behavior, some people may quietly move on, but if I've set my intentions correctly, these people will adapt, rise in vibration and join me in moving forward. They are catching up and I'm catching up to others. It's pretty amazing to be a part of!
I've released need, cleansing obligation and settling debt (some money, some emotional). In the process, it's allowing those I'm involved with the opportunity to transform their patterns of behavior and to choose the light and rise to a higher vibration. It's incredible!!!
To all the beautiful souls I've met with and talked with this week - Thank you! Thank you for showing me the light and the dark and loving yourself and me enough to witness without attachment.
Hold on, it's a great ride. Transformations keep us moving forward. How else would we learn?! Bless you and I look forward to October! Oh yes, more food articles to come!!!