We project ourselves onto and into others lives and look for confirmation of what we consider beliefs about who we are. In this way, we are looking for approval (love, really) and trying to figure out who we are. Everything we could ever want is already inside us!!! It's truly a miracle. By choosing what roles others define us by, sometimes we get a clearer picture of who we think we are. But, here's the secret - we can be whatever and whomever we want to be! If what another thinks you are does not feel good, let it go. You don't have to be it or do it. Don't give it a second thought. You don't have to play the game if you don't want to. You can take your ball and go home or just let them play with the ball and take yourself home! Do what your intentions are. Be who you intend to be. Have the experience you want to have.
In my journey to greater self awareness, clarity and direct connection to God I was led down a path. The people in my path have helped me remember who I am and have supported and encouraged me along the way. I am blessed to have known so many. However, it's time to release the need for them. Release the obligation. I understand, clearly, the signs of when it's time to release them and myself of the obligation. This is what I discovered...
As soon as I felt need of others, I projected that need and the need manifested. But, what I've realized is that it doesn't always feel good. Especially for the other person. For lack of a better term, it can be a real downer! In the other person or people playing this role, there is an exchange of energy, As soon as I projected myself and my needs, the Universe (God) answered. He answered immediately. And guess what, it was up to me to choose the path or not.
Remember the bad feeling vs. the good feeling. Well, this is where my choice is made today from the experience I manifested. The higher thought is the higher vibration and is free from distraction - nothing needs to be done. No action needs to take place. Just let it go. Choose not to participate. Inaction is action. The lower vibration, the heavy feeling, is the ego not understanding what is being communicated by the soul.
I've asked myself - has this experience served me? Yes, it has. Does it serve me now? No it doesn't. Do I do anything? No - just let it go. Doing requires energy. It's distraction, having to say 'something', do something. I'm in a path of forward motion, this is the energy of God. I just have to get out of the way and LET IT FLOW. I recognize the heavy feeling as a sign it's time to let it go. Nothing needs to be said or done. No one is right or wrong. The lesson has been learned. It's time to bless the lesson and those involved and send it to the light. This has been an exercise in recognizing what I don't want which has helped me identify what I do want. And an opportunity to choose light over darkness by setting clear boundaries in my experience.
There were two beautiful souls that helped me remember how to choose the higher thought today - the higher vibration. I did it! Today, the three of us got extra stamps in Heaven for moving towards the light. Everything is a choice we've made and we've manifested. It's remarkable when you are conscious of the manifestation and recognize it. However, it's given me tools in how to get back on the horse, so to speak, and let God take me where I'm suppose to go. And that's the good feeling! Suffering need not be part of the equation - unless, of course, you choose that.
Recognize the dark and bless it.
Seek the light - choose the higher thought.
Determine what role I want to play.
Release myself, and in doing so, others, from obligation.
Do not feed the need.
Detach from the expectation.
There are no victims.
So, I'm getting clarity about what sin really is now... it's forgetting who we are. And original sin, that's not knowing who we are. Ha!
Today, I say: I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, thank you and I forgive you and release you to the Holy Spirit. I choose not to participate in anothers perception of who I should be and choose for myself who I am. I choose an experience without projecting need and perpetuating need. I'm a "remember-er". I've gotten out of my own way to let God shine through. Boy, does it feel good! I wish the same for you! Energy in motion baby!!!!!