Drink more water. At least 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day. If you are 140lbs, that means 70 oz a day of water. You are living electricity. Electricity uses water as a conduit. You will be less hungry and less fatigued. Check out the archive: Eat Real: Water- Recharge Your Body
Add fresh squeezed lemon to your water. It naturally detoxifies the body and alkalizes it. Check out the archive: Eat Real: The Power of Lemon.
Focus on adding in good foods rather than giving up bad foods. I was there, and I know how you feel, there was no way I was giving up my malt balls cold turkey! Some people feel like that about their coffee, cigarettes, diet soda... So, instead of focusing on giving them up, limited them daily, then weekly, then monthly. While you are slowly cutting out the bad stuff, add the good stuff - more fruit and vegetables. Add 2 or 3 fresh fruits a day and 3 to 5 veggies to your daily diet. As you add more good stuff, the bad stuff will start to become less appealing and will eventually dwindle out.
Use only natural sugar products and never artificial sweeteners! I can't stress this point enough. White table sugar is highly addictive. It was designed that way to keep us coming back to buy the products that use it. The same is especially true with artificial sweeteners - every one of them. All of these things contain levels of bleach and chemicals in them. Yes, bleach! Some even share the same molecular structure as DDT! Things to try instead: Honey, Maple Syrup, Molasses, Agave Nectar, Stevia, Brown Rice Syrup. These items have become so mainstream that you can pick them up at your local grocery store. Stevia and agave nectar don't affect blood sugar levels and stevia does come in packets, so it's portable.
When you are ready, make a decision not to eat anything white. White flour, white sugar, white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc... We've been brainwashed to think white is clean, is good, is pure. It's NOT! The original grain has been stripped of its natural vitamins and minerals, processed heavily, bleached (yes, again), then other chemicals have been added back that masquerade as vitamins. Hence, the term "enriched".
It's about how you feel, not how you look. Remember you are perfect already. You really are. If you want to loose weight, it really is because you don't feel well, not because you want to get into a smaller size. Think about how you feel in relation to the food you eat. Draw some correlations. Keep a journal. Write how you feel when you wake up, before a meal, after a meal, if you need to snack, before bed, during an argument, when you are driving. Then write down what you eat in a day - don't limit yourself, just write it down. You will see relationships.
Get Sleep. You need to sleep in order to function properly. It's just a fact of life on this planet. Go to bed at a regular time and wake up at a regular time everyday, even the weekends.
Exercise. Find something you like to do and do it almost everyday. Walk, run, bike, pilates, yoga, weights. Whatever it is, just move as much as you want and as much as your body will let you. Don't beat yourself up, it should be fun and give you pleasure. If it doesn't, rethink it and try something else.
Remember, how you feel is the meter by which you measure yourself. Make the inside feel good and the outside will follow. You are remembering your perfection!