The Earth has consciousness, is energy and has a vibrational frequency. It rotates at a specific measured speed. Our human bodies are fueled by the Earth. It makes sense that if we eat food of the Earth, that our bodies will be in energetic harmony with it no matter how fast or slow it's rotating. In a Return to Love, it is stated, "the point of healthy food is that it supports us in existing the most lightly and energetically within the body. It is heavier, unhealthy food that ties us to the body. We take care of the body as a way of taking better care of the spirit."
Just as you know when you are being 'dragged down' when around someone who is perceived as 'negative', you are also 'lifted up' when you are around someone positive. Think of something you don't like, now think of something you do like. Do you feel different when you think of the two things? Most of us do. It's important to honor that feeling in our thoughts, words and actions. When we think of things that bring us joy, it moves us closer to love. Love and compassion are the New Age we are experiencing. Power and control are on the way out. Thoughts of joy, love and compassion are at a higher frequency than that of power, control and fear. This is not a coincidence. It's part of our evolution.
Let's put it all together - the Earth has vibrational frequency, thoughts and feelings of love and compassion are the highest vibrational frequency on the scale of emotions. Wouldn't it make sense that food that is not of the Earth would be at a very low vibrational frequency? Consider what you eat - is it from a box or off a tree? Animal meat that has been treated without love and compassion would have a lower energetic frequency than animal meat that has received love and compassion.
Think about it. Your soul knows the answer. Your soul is what is sending you the message to move beyond the ego fear which include power and control. Your soul is love and compassion. Sickness can be a message from the body to wake up. The body is saying "Hey, I'm trying to raise my vibration and you are holding me back. Correct your thoughts, correct your foods and we will all feel better!" So simple.
You are perfect already. Your subconscious is leading you to help you remember your perfection. Listen to your body, listen to your feelings. They will navigate you through your evolution.