Eat whole, real food
Include complex carbohydrates like vegetables, fruits, grains & beans. Complex carbohydrates take longer to break down in the digestive tract because of their naturally occuring 'simple sugar' and fiber combination. This gives us sustained energy as opposed to an energy 'blast'.
This is actually a vital nutrient. Our body grows and restores during sleep. It is a regeneration period. We digest the day (literally), repair damaged tissue, rest our brain and muscles. healthy sleep habits encourage hormone balance and reduce stress. Develop a routine that allows for 7-8 hours a night.
We are an electrical system. Water conducts electricity. Without enough water, our blood becomes viscous (thick) and our current short circuits. How much? At least 1/2 your body weight in ounces a day. So, if you are 140lbs, that's 70 oz. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Many times our fatigue is our body crying for more water! We are 83% water. If you exercise or if it's hot out, you may require even more. Listen to what your body is telling you.
Increase physical movement
You don't have to go to the gym to move! Just go outside. Walk, run, go up and down stairs. Whatever your body will let you do. When we move, our lymph system wakes up. Our lymph system works the toxins out of our body. Our blood gets circulated because more oxygen is circulated. Oxygen powers the cells. Just move!
Go Outside
We spend so much of our time inside, infront of the TV or the computer that we forget that we are part of the Earth. It's part of our biology to be outside. Standing in the grass, grounds us, brings us back to 'reality' so to speak. The sun warms us. Just 15min. of sunlight provides us with 10,000-15,000 IU of Vitamin D - naturally! Give yourself a break and spend some quality time in the yard or walking around a greenway at lunch.
These are 5 things you can easily do. It really is that simple. If you think something is difficult, then that will manifest in your life. If you think it is easy and fun, well, guess what happens? Easy and Fun!
You are taking responsibility for your life and how you want to participate in it. The whole point of this blog and me going back to school for all this stuff is to empower you! Empower you to make a loving choice through your own God-power. Jesus said, "You can do all these things and more...", right? Guess what, He meant it. I believe in you. Now you just have to believe in you!