That is the key component to anything! Why do you want to diet? To lose weight? Is your cholesterol high? Pre-diabetic? Basically, to feel and look better. Why feel and look better, why bother? To receive compliments? Attention? Approval from others? To fit into a size 6? To be healthy? These reasons alone may get you motivated, but continued focus on them will keep you trapped and slingshot you back to where you started.
When you start considering your body as a Holy Vessel and seeing the Divine in all of Creation - including you, then you've found the magic ingredient to lasting health, weight loss and feeling good. The key for all of us is to recognize that we are Creation. We are Divine.
Religion and diet are both frameworks to finding your connection to God. And each are as individual as the person. There is no right or wrong way. There is only 'the way'. The Way we all share. The framework gets us started, but eventually we have to improvise, finding what works for us to keep moving forward. Sometimes the distraction of 'following the rules' gets in the way and we can loose our original intention. Imposing my beliefs (limits I accept in my experience) on your beliefs creates a disharmonious vibration - it does not feel good to you or to me. But, accepting that you are on your path and me on mine and that they are parallel or may converge occasionally - well, that feels much better, doesn't it? Ultimately, you decide what you allow into your reality.
When it comes down to it, if someone wags a finger in your face and tells you "NO, do this and do it my way" - if you're like me, you may push back just because you can. Deprivation sets up an ugly roller coaster of self-inflicted pain. But, if someone presents you with information and gently says, "Consider this". My bet is you'll listen. Same with a diet, except it may be your own finger you're wagging in your face.
Balance is key. Moderation in all things brings enlightenment. I read this morning, that God is in all things, whether you perceive it to be good or bad. The perception of separation from Source is only an illusion.